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News and Press ReleasesBooth: The US will continue urging international community to ask Sudan cooperate with ICC
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Booth: The US will continue urging international community to ask Sudan cooperate with ICC

02-28-2014, 03:53 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Booth: The US will continue urging international community to ask Sudan cooperate with ICC

    Booth: The US will continue urging international community to ask Sudan cooperate with ICC

    Khartoum-The American envoy to Sudan Donald Booth said at the US Congressional Africa Panel on Wednesday that the cessation of violence in Sudan requires holding the culprits the accountable for the human rights violations, saying that his government will continue urging the regional and international community to ask Sudanese government to full cooperate with the International Criminal Court in accordance with the international security council resolution 1593.

    Mr. Booth has pointed out that the government of Khartoum has suppressed the peaceful demonstration in Khartoum last September. He told the US congress on the speech of President Al-Bashir on the 27th of January in which he called for a comprehensive dialogue with the participation of all political parties and armed groups via an agreement to write a new constitution for the country to handle the political and economic questions and the identity issue as well. He said that the world will closely observe how serious this initiative is.

    He urged not to allow Khartoum government to portray the national issues as isolated regional disputes, hoping the unity of the international stance on Sudan through wok with the international partners such as China, the United Kingdom, Norway, African Union, Ethiopia, Egypt, Qatar and others with the participation of the armed groups under the umbrella of the revolutionary front, political parties and civil society organizations.

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