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News and Press ReleasesAn international organization accuses Sudan of using cluster bombs in
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An international organization accuses Sudan of using cluster bombs in

09-02-2013, 06:36 PM
SudaneseOnline News

An international organization accuses Sudan of using cluster bombs in

    An international organization accuses Sudan of using cluster bombs in South Kordofan State
    2013-08-29 18:18:00
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    London- an international organization operating in the small arms survey programme has accused Sudan's government of using the cluster bombs and incendiary weapons in South Kordofan State, where Sudanese army has been fighting Sudan's People Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) since two years, while the organization stressed that the reports about the use of chemical weapons by Government forces are not confirmed, at the time the U.S Institute of Peace called on Sudanese parties to make the reform process involving the Government armed and unarmed opposition and to postpone the elections scheduled in 2015.

    A report released by the draft of the human security assessment in Sudan and South Sudan's small arms, based in Geneva, said that there is strong evidence that the Sudanese armed forces had used cluster bombs and incendiary weapons in South Kordofan State, pointing out that existence of anti-personnel landmines has been documented.

    The report said that SPLM-N had used the weapons later, stressing that the reports about the use of chemical weapons in attacks by Sudan's Government are uncertain, noting that fighters of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-N and Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) rebels crossing the border regularly between South Kordofan State and Unity State in South Sudan, particularly in the contested areas between Khartoum and Juba.

    the report stressed that SPLM-N rebels are not agents of war for South Sudan as Khartoum's government always claims, adding that SPLM-N has a different political and military agenda than the agenda of the people's Liberation Army in South Sudan

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