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News and Press ReleasesAl Bashir is uniting Sudan with his hate speeches: Umma Party leader
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Al Bashir is uniting Sudan with his hate speeches: Umma Party leader

12-30-2014, 03:54 PM
Radio Dabanga
<aRadio Dabanga
Registered: 03-30-2014
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Al Bashir is uniting Sudan with his hate speeches: Umma Party leader

    December 30 - 2015 ADDIS ABABA
    National Umma Party leader El Sadig El Mahdi during an interview with Reuters in Cairo, 22 October 2014 (Shadi Bushra/Reuters)
    National Umma Party leader El Sadig El Mahdi during an interview with Reuters in Cairo, 22 October 2014 (Shadi Bushra/Reuters)

    The UN Security Council is expected to take a more robust position towards the Khartoum regime, according to El Sadig El Mahdi, leader of the National Umma Party (NUP). Both he and the Sudanese Communist Party are convinced that the president’s hate speeches are pushing the Sudanese towards an intifada.

    President Omar Al Bashir, in his address to a rally of Sufi supporters in Khartoum North on Saturday, again lashed out at the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) rebel alliance, and the opposition parties, calling them “traitors and mercenaries”. He stated that the “American CIA and the Israeli Mossad” are behind the statements and declarations of the opposition, calling for a regime change and the establishment of a democratic Sudan. The president also expressed his doubts about the strength of his opponents on the ground.

    The NUP leader commented in an interview with Radio Dabanga, broadcast on Tuesday, that “the Khartoum regime is intensifying its blatant lying, as it does not have real arguments anymore to defend its destructive policies”.

    El Mahdi predicted that “many affiliates and members of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) will soon realise that the ship's captain will lead them to doom, in particular as the politically and economically bankrupt government of Sudan is increasingly resorting to tribal militias to solve its crises -an act that not only constitutes a violation of the Constitution, but marginalises the Sudanese army to a large extent as well.” 

    “Al Bashir is uniting the Sudanese people against him with his hate speeches,” he stressed.

    Regarding Sudan’s international position, the opposition leader expects that the UN Security Council, in its next meeting in January, will take a “more robust position towards the foolish attitude of the Khartoum regime”.

    “The Sudanese government’s accumulating stupidities are shocking to all people, including the international community. Khartoum, for instance, took the announcement by the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to freeze further investigations into the Darfur conflict as a victory, while in reality it constitutes a defeat, an escalation of the prosecution.

    “The regime’s rejection to permit an international inquiry into the mass rape in Tabit, North Darfur, in November, and more recently, the expulsion of senior UN officials, are other examples of this foolish attitude, with which the regime is increasingly isolating itself,” El Mahdi noted.

    The Sudanese Communist Party commented on El Bashir’s speech by saying that President Al Bashir’s accusations of the opposition forces are misleading the public opinion, “both internally and externally”.

    Yousef Hussein, the spokesman for the party, stated that “the president’s speeches will not solve the political and economical crises crippling the country”.

    “Apart from the wars waged by the regime in vast areas of Sudan, the humanitarian catastrophes, and the economic bankruptcy, Al Bashir is strengthening the people’s motives for a popular uprising with his hate speeches,” he told Radio Dabanga.


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