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News and Press Releases(8,000) Sudanese in Libya: Foreign Ministry reveals
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(8,000) Sudanese in Libya: Foreign Ministry reveals

12-17-2014, 03:49 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Registered: 01-13-2014
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(8,000) Sudanese in Libya: Foreign Ministry reveals

    December 17, 2014-Khartoum-SudaneseOnline- Sudan’s Foreign Minister, Ali Karti, has revealed that number of Sudanese in Libya now ranging from 6 to 8 thousands, pointing out that the total of Sudanese were in Libya before the events that toppled the late president Muammar Gaddafi exceeded the current number considerably.
    in statements on Tuesday, Karti stressed presence of large numbers of Sudanese in Libya illegally whom some of them crossed into European Union countries, noting that some Sudanese groups headed to Libya- Niger border in search of gold recently, adding that these groups have been subjected to looting by the organized criminal groups, in addition to the smugglers of human being across the Libyan desert in absence of security institutions.
    Sudanese top diplomat stressed that the political and security complexities in Libya led to difficulty of providing accurate statistics about Sudanese there, saying that most of they do not carry official documents, explaining that although Sudanese still apply for Ministry and wish to travel to Libya in search of work opportunities
    He revealed that number of Sudanese who have been killed since January till now reached (13) citizen as a result of indiscriminate shelling, and the number who died as a result of sinking in Mediterranean through their travel to Europe illegally around (112) people.
    He confirmed lack of Sudanese’s desire to return to the country despite the security tensions in Labia

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