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JEM Rejects Deployment of Joint SPLM/ Khartoum Troops in Darfur
In a renewed effort to further its genocide in Darfur, the Khartoum Government is now planning fresh deployment of its troops in joint operations with the SPLA. In this regard, JEM would like to stress the following:
1- JEM utterly rejects deployment of any troops that are connected to the Khartoum Government or the SPLM in Darfur.
2- Deployment of any government-related army in Darfur constitutes a blatant breach of N’djamena Ceasefire Agreement and is tantamount to declaration of a new war in Darfur
3- Allowing Khartoum to go ahead with its deployment plans is no more than handing it a new mandate to renew it atrocities in Darfur and allow its army and Janjaweed to resume their annihilation of Darfur civilians
4- JEM appeals to the SPLM to rethink its position and adopt a constructive role in the fight against injustice and marginalisation in the Sudan.
5- We appeal to the international community to exercise its maximum leverage against Khartoum Government and its callous plans in Darfur
6- We likely appeal to the international community to continue its support for the African Union in Darfur.
Oshar Nur Abdel Aziz
Deputy Secretary for Political Affairs, JEM
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