Human security initiative org. held a workshop on the concept and perspectives of human security on 24th -25th May 2005 at the conference Hall –Agricultural bank .to achieve the following objectives :
1- A forum for specialists and experts to discuss the concept and threats of human security .
2- Awareness raising on the perspective of human security .
3- Creation of co-operation and co-ordination between the orgs. Activating on the issues .
4- Dissemination of the concept of human security among different sectors of the sudanese society .
The program started at 9:30 am with the opening ceremonies .
Mr. Osman Hassan , Maman director welcomed the participants and gave a short review about the org. then four papers was presented on the 1st Day as follows:
- small arms and the role of DDR . by Mr .Al farazdag khalafalla.
- Nuclear weapn : by Dr . huesein El obied .
- Biological weapons : Dr . Omer Hassan .
- Land mines in the Sudan : Mr . Abd Alati A/Alkhair .
On The 2nd day the following papers was presented :
- Food security: by Dr . Awad khalifa .
- The impact of drugs addiction : Mrs . Samia Hijazi .
- Health security – AIDS : Mr. . Mohmed Ahmed A/ Hafiz .
The invitation was send to UN agencies ,international and national orgs. And the ministries and institutions with interest on the issue besides some academics and specialists.
More than hundred participants from different disciplines attended the
The two days of the events and enriched the discussion and presented valuable interventions . A considerable number of journalist and media representatives participated and widely reflected the event
on both local press and Sudan TV.
Recommendations :
The workshop sum up with the following recommendations :
1) the concept of human security should be designed in accordance with the Sudanese values and cultures and should take in consideration the ethnic diversity and individual and society needs .
2) supporting of the civil societies to participate on the implementation of human security programs .
3) Spread of the culture of peace specifically on the areas of conflict.
4) Spread of human rights and democracy to protect the whole society .
5) Resolution of all forms of conflict and enhancement of the government to sign the small arms agreement
6) Awareness raising on the hazards of small arms , drugs and Aids as a major threats of human security .
7) Financial and technical support for researches and studies to avail data and information on this issues .
8) Reintegration of the combating programs of drugs and aids into the other human security programs such as DDR and land mines programs
9) supporting of peace initiatives to eliminate armed conflicts in Darfur and eradicating the causing factors .
10) Functioning of the Sudanese local resources specifically the human resources needed for the benefits of human security issues .
11) finally the workshop recommended that each of the presented paper should constitute a separate workshop on the coming days so that each threat of human security could sufficiently be studied and discussed .
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