Statement by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Sudan
on violence in Soba IDP area, South Khartoum
Khartoum, 18 May 2005: The Special Representative of the Secretary General in Sudan, Mr. Jan Pronk, is deeply concerned by reports of death in the Soba IDP area South of Khartoum today. Reports have indicated that several people, both civilian and police, have been killed in the incident. The loss of life is tragic and deplorable, and the Special Representative extends his deepest condolences to the families of the victims.
The Special Representative calls on the Government of Sudan and all concerned to exert maximum restraint in handling the situation and to prevent further escalation and loss of life. He reiterates the need for respect of the rights of IDPs, the protection of civilians and the need to handle the situation with restraint, respect for basic human rights and according to the law.
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