The government of Sudan and it’s Janjawieed militias still continue with the series of attacks against innocent civilians. Following the recent pronouncement of the Janjaweed ringleader Musa Hilal that his militias will start raiding the areas he felt rebellious to the central government in North Darfur, the Janjaweed militiamen attacked Bere, 9 km to the North East of the town of Kuttum, on June 1st, 2005. Tormeez well, water source frequented by the scattered displaced peoples, was attacked by Janjaweed, leaving one civilian, Abul Gasim Haroun Mohamed Mustapha, dead and another, Ahmed Adam, seriously injured. Both of them originated from Fur ethnic group.
Sudan Liberation Movement/Army will not keep idle while the government forces and Janjweed commit serious violations against the civilians.
SLM/A leadership offers its condolence to the relatives of Abul Gasim Haroun and wishes Ahmed Adam a quick recovery.
Sudan Liberation Movement/Army
North Darfur command post
June 3rd, 2005
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