The SLM/A is also ready to fully cooperate in this matter until the justice is done to the people of Darfur.
Indeed the SLM/A considers this action as a basic requirement for which it has been calling for a long time and expected to be taken by the UN body in dealing with the unfolding tragedy in Darfur, the tragedy that is being described by no other person than the Secretary General of the UN himself, Mr. Kofi Anan as “Hell on Earth”. The Resolution, a part from being a remarkable departure of a significant meaning in dealing with the situation in Darfur, also demonstrates in our view the international Community’s desire and commitment to fight the horror of international terrorism which was also being nurtured by the racist regime in Khartoum.
In this regard the SLM/A would like to call on the UN Security Council to immediately take further necessary practical steps to make its Resolution implemented. Such steps are particularly important because the Khartoum’s trickster regime has already declared its opposition to it and preparing to fight back in a clear disrespectable manner to the world body. It is the Security Council’s duty and obligation now to make sure that it’s Resolution is implemented.
With regard to the wider national front and in the view of the on folding circumstances, the SLM/A would like to call on the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) to initiate in taking steps and in consultation with all the political forces in the country to form all inclusive transitional government of national unity to deal with the unfolding situation address all the outstanding issues including sincere and effective implementation of the Naivasha agreement.
Minni Arkou Minawi
Secretary General
Asmara – Eritrea
April 2nd , 2005
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