Atrocities Continue in Darfur
Between the 23rd and 25th of March 2005 a sustained campaign of atrocities by Janjaweed militia were committed against villagers in the Labado area of Darfur, 40 km East of Nyala in Southern Darfur State. The attacks lead to the deaths of 8 persons, the looting of livestock and camels and to the serious wounding of a number of others.
Not all of the names of those killed are known. To date the following information has been reported to this centre:
1. Anwar Suleyman Jabir (M) Age Unknown
2. Ahmed Hassan Abaddi (M) Age Unknown
3. Abass Ibrahim Tarjook (M) Age Unknown
4. Adam Haroon Ali (M) (Child) Age Unknown
5. Aisha Ali Adam (F) Age Unknown
Our source has informed this centre that there are 5 wounded persons who are currently receiving treatment in Labado dispensary.
With regard to the looting of livestock and camels, the following losses were sustained:
Name Cattle Sheep Camels
Hamid Adam Suleyman Shougar 200
Hassan Adam Timan 150
Koddi Suleyman Shougar 100
Bakhit Makki Yagoub 85 25
Mahammed Makki Yagoub 36 45
Abdallah Alnoor Makki 65
Yahya Alnoor Makki 35 30
Abdulgadir Elnoor Makki 45
Ibrahim Youssouf 40
Suleyman Jabir 55 75
In total, these raids resulted in the loss of approximately 361 cattle 525 sheep and 100 camels leading to deleterious consequences for the farmers concerned and their possibility of continuing any form of livelihood.
Darfur Centre for Human Rights and Development strongly condemns these actions and the repeated incursions by government militia into civilian territory. We urge the International Community – in particular the UN Security Council – to take full and decisive action to prosecute those identified by the International Commission of Inquiry for crimes against humanity in Darfur. We also urge the Security Council to put effective measures in place to investigate new genocidal acts without delay.
We urge the Government of Sudan to:
• Guarantee the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of association throughout Sudan in accordance with international human rights standards;
• Honour its agreement with the UN General Secretary and the rebels; to immediately take decisive action to stop its militias from perpetrating further atrocities.
• Immediately cease its program of arbitrary detention, harassment and targeting of Dafurians both in Darfur and elsewhere in Sudan.
We also urge the United Nations, African Union and the international community to:
• Expand the mandate of the African Union peace keeping forces to include the protection of civilians;
• Investigate allegations of continued attacks on civilians including allegations of torture;
• Continue to exert pressure on all parties to the conflict to come to a peaceful settlement;
• Guarantee respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards;
Please support the civilians of Darfur by sending an appeal to the following addresses:
His Excellency Lieutenant General Omar Hassan al-Bashir
President of the Republic of Sudan
President’s Palace
PO Box 281, Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 249 183 783223
Mr. Ali Mohamed Osman Yassin
Minister of Justice and Attorney General
Ministry of Justice
Khartoum, Sudan
Fax + 249 183 788941
Mr. Mustafa Osman Ismail
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
PO Box 873, Khartoum, Sudan
Fax + 249 183 779383
Dr. Abdelmuneim Osman Mohamed Taha
Advisory Council for Human Rights
PO Box 302
Khartoum, Sudan
Fax + 249 183 770883
Permanent Representative:
His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Elhassan Ahmed Elhaj
Avenue Blanc 47
Geneva 1202
Fax: 022 731 26 56
Email: [email protected]
Darfur Centre for Human Rights and Development is an organization established in the U.K in 2004. If you have any questions about this or any other DCFHRD information, please contact the address shown.
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