The Nation (Nairobi)
By A Correspondent
Sudanese musician Philip Abbass Alfati, popularly known as Unique Arafat, entertains guests with his song Anagirija Fibele' (I'm going back Home) during the Ambassadors of Peace Awards ceremony at a Nairobi hotel last weekend.
The event was organised by the South Sudan Artists' Association (SSAA) to honour upcoming talent as well as present a different face of Sudan to the rest of the world.
Said SSAA chairman Evans Maendeh: "Among the objectives of the South Sudan Artistes' Association is to also inspire and promote the youth by bringing them together with the ultimate goal of instilling a culture of peace and reconciliation."
A number of Sudanese musicians performed during the event, including Lam, Nyang J, Garang and Unique Arafat.
The organisers said they would hold a bigger event next year.
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