[JURIST] Leading Wednesday's international brief, a British official has revealed that the UN Security Council [official website] will be presented with a resolution in the next two weeks that will seek to impose mandatory sanctions against up to ten government officials in Sudan [government website] for their involvement in the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Darfur [JURIST news archive]. Security Council members have so far deadlocked [JURIST report] on what sanctions to impose, but if the resolution is approved, the sanctions will include the denial of the right to travel outside of Sudan, the freezing of personal financial assets, and possibly even an order for the International Criminal Court (ICC) [official website] to prepare individual international arrest warrants for those named. The names to be included on the list will not be released until the resolution is made public, but a draft list leaked last week [JURIST report] included Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. Sudan has continually rejected [JURIST report] the need for ICC involvement and has repeatedly stressed that its own war crimes tribunal [JURIST report] is sufficient to handle the needed prosecutions. JURIST's Paper Chase has continuing coverage of Sudan [JURIST news archive]. Ewen MacAskill of the Guardian has more.
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