Iranian Vice-President for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Ahmad Mousavi, who arrived in Khartoum earlier on Wednesday on an official visit to Sudan, delivered a letter to the Sudanese president from his Iranian counterpart Mahmud Ahmedinejad concerning the position of the Iranian authority toward its nuclear file and its right to peaceful use of nuclear energy, the Sudanese news agency reported.
Musavi said after meeting with Bashir that his country is committed to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and that it leaves the door open for dialogue and negotiation on the issue. "But if they forbid us from exercising our right to obtain peaceful nuclear technology..., we will never submit," added Musavi. He said, "We talked about bilateral relations and the means to promote them in different domains. We agreed they were below the required level despite the capabilities and resources in the two countries."
The Iranian vice-president is on a tour of North African countries which has already taken him to Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Libya and Algeria.
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