An Open Memorandum to the Leaders of Africa; heads and representatives of states participating in the African Union Congress in Khartoum from the Sudan Liberation Movement supporters ( SLM)
سودانيزاونلاين.كوم 1/23/2006 7:39pm
With all respect, the supporters of the SLM do appreciate your efforts to put an end to the conflict of the Continent and to pave the way for peace, development and democracy. Supporters of the SLM do also appreciate the assistance that their Movement found from the peoples of the Continent to show Darfur issue both at international and regional levels. The supporters, in particular, thank the brother peoples and leaders of Nigeria, Labia, Chad, Eritrea…..and etc. for their efforts to realize peace in Sudan generally and Darfur in particular.
Your excellencies; leaders and presidents of African states, The people of Darfur, like other peoples of Sudan, likes peace and struggles for it in accordance to the international and regional human rights conventions and treaties which give the Continent its will for peace and construction. This what makes the supporters of the SLM increasingly giving their loyalty to Mr. Abdul Wahid Mohamed Nour, the founder and chairman of the SLM and its first representative in the Abuja peace talks.
Your excellencies, You all know the suffrage of the Darfur people which has, patiently, beard the systematic killing, rape, poverty, displacement and campaigns. The supporters of the SLM look forward to hearing decisions and recommendations which can contribute in ending these suffrage and atrocities. Our Continent is supposed to have learned from the bad ex-apartheid system in South Africa.
Your excellencies,
The supporters of the SLM are serious to achieve peace, development, democracy and fair solution to Darfur issue. This is why our representatives are now in Abuja collaborating with our friends from all over the world to reach an agreement that can hopefully make human beings living under humanitarian conditions and achieving peace, security, stability and peaceful co-existence for the peoples of Darfur. Thus the Movement call you to push its efforts with all abilities you have to: Cooperate with the United Nations pave the way to the international peace forces to protect the civilians from the repeated attacks of the Sudanese Armed Forces and Janjaweed militia who are fiercely destructing the life in the region and also to advice the Sudanese Government to cooperate with the Security Council resolution 1593. Support the unity of our Continent and its solidarity , and to bear the responsibility of keeping this unity not susceptible to any dangerous problems by electing suspects of serious human rights violations such as Omer Hassan Ahmed El Basheer, the head of Khartoum regime, to lead the Continent of revolutions. His choosing will negatively affect the current peace talks in Abuja. Support Abuja peace talks for fair and quick agreement to stop the suffrage of our people in Darfur and to take urgent proceedings against those who work for the Continuity of the war and try to make it a part of the conflict between neighboring countries. The supporters of the SLM with all their sectors; students, women professionals and army stand with the decisions of your congress which will definitely achieve peace and development for the peoples of the Continent. We will go on our struggle to achieve realize peace. The option of the peoples’ armed revolution is open if the government is not ready to respond positively to our demands.
Cc to: The United Nations The European Union Ambassadors of states.
With our kindest regards Sincerely, Sudan Liberation Movement, Khartoum 22/1/2006.