We, the representatives of the Sudanese Community in The United Kingdom, have the honour to submit this petition concerning the massacre of 76 Sudanese refugees in Cairo on the 30th December 2005 with hundreds injured The death toll is expected to rise as some of the injuries are very serious.
We wish to express our condemnation of this inhuman act in the strongest possible terms. The grossly disproportionate action perpetrated by the Egyptian security forces was particularly outrageous because most of the victims were vulnerable refugees from the war ravaged regions of The Sudan, namely, The South and Darfur, engaged in a peaceful sit in. In addition we understand that there are about 3000 detainees who are maltreated and threatened with deportation to Sudan against their will in blatant contravention of the Geneva Accords.
Considering that the Commission's record speaks for itself in protecting the rights of the refugees all over the world, we hope that it will take appropriate and expeditious action in this case.
We believe that The Egyptian government should be left in no doubt about the abhorrence of the international community within and without The United Nations to what happened through concrete action. It should also be made clearly aware of its responsibility for bringing those who sanctioned and perpetrated the killings to justice through an impartial and transparent investigation, whose integrity should be assured by international supervision. The victims' families and the injured should be adequately compensated.
This is of paramount importance also to make sure that such a heinous act will not be repeated. It is like wise essential in order to preserve the special relationship between Egypt and Sudan which is a necessary prerequisite for the peace and security of the region.
For/ The Council For Sudanese Solidarity.
M.B. Ahmed
Flat 6
132 Earls Court Road
London W8 6QL
16 January 2006
C.C. The Right Honourable Tony Blair
C.C. H.E The Egyptian Ambassador to the United Kingdom
C.C. H.E. The Sudanese Ambassador to The united Kingdom
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