Khartoum, Dec. 22 (SUNA) -A delegation of the African Union (AU) is due to arrive in Khartoum Saturday for talks with the government within the context of good offices to end tension between Khartoum and N'djamena. The Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Gamal Mohamed Ibrahim, announced welcome of the government to the AU's delegation, reiterating call of Sudan for dialogue between the two countries through the open channels between the leaderships of two countries and governments to overcome this crisis. The Spokesman has expressed in a press statement regret of Sudan over the new escalation from Chad by filing a complaint to the Security Council against Sudan as reported by the media. The ambassador renewed rejections of Sudan for accusations of the Chadian Government; pointing out that what is going on in Chad is an internal affair Sudan has nothing to do with it. BH/BT
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