Posted: 03.04.2006 :
Asmara, 2 April 2006 - Head of Organizational Affairs at the PFDJ Mr. Abdellah Jabber in a statement to the Eritrean News Agency said that Eritrea as a nation that has toiled persistently for the reaching of a comprehensive political solution in the Sudan, it is ready as always to extend its constructive assistance in the slowly progressing Sudanese peace process.
Furthermore noting that managing strategically all questions without preconceived notions regardless of ethnic and religious differences and working along a course that would embrace the opening of reconciliatory and political participatory grounds of all nationals equally is the only way for lasting solution to be realized in the country, Mr. Abdellah Jabber emphasized the need for respecting and implementing already reached agreements and the handling of residual issues in a comprehensive manner if the peace process is to succeed unconditionally.
Moreover, the PFDJ organizational affairs head said that it is the aspiration of the people and government of Eritrea that the government of the Sudan and its oppositions put aside their differences and work together in a spirit of responsibility, self reliance and guaranteeing viable political grounds for the even-sharing of the nation’s wealth for the sake of the Sudanese people realizing that peace is the cornerstone for the existence and development of any nation.
Mr. Abdellah Jabber concluded his statement by saying that Eritrea is ready as always to extend whatever assistance may be asked of her.
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