The African Union officially extended the invitation to the Sudanese government and the two main rebel movements in Darfur to resume negotiations in Nigeria's capital, Abuja, in the mid of this month. This was expressed in conclusion of the talks held by the AU envoy Salem Ahmad Salem in Khartoum and the rebel areas in Darfur.
While Khartoum welcomed the call, the Sudan's Liberation Movement rejected it immediately, and linked its participation in the negotiations to the convening its general conference inside what it calls the liberated lands in Darfur.
The statement of the movement has not specified a date for convening the conference, while al-Adel Wal-Musawat ( justice and equality) movement has not announced its position, though it recently announced readiness to take part in Abuja negotiations.
The rejection of the Sudan's Liberation Movement to take part in the negotiation came to escalate its problems with the African Union which had accused members of the movement of carrying out killing operations and kidnapping against Arab tribes in the district in July.
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