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ONGC Videsh completes Sudan pipeline project

9/5/2005 7:52am

ONGC Videsh completes Sudan pipeline project
Mumbai, Sept 5. (PTI): ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) has successfully completed the construction of the 741 kms Sudan multi-product pipeline from Khartoum refinery to Port of Sudan Export Terminal two months ahead of schedule.

The EPC project has been completed in 14 months by OVL against the contractual schedule of 16 months, ONGC officials said here today.

The Pipeline Contract Agreement (PCA) for construction of 741 kms of multi-product export Pipeline System, from Khartoum Refinery to Port Sudan Export Terminal, was entered into by OVL with the Sudanese Ministry of Energy & Mining on June 30, 2004.

It was undertaken by OVL at a contract price of $194 million.

The pipeline system has been designed for export of 2.54 MMTPA of MoGas (Petrol) and Gas oil (Diesel) including other white products like Kerosene and fuel oil from Khartoum Refinery to Port Sudan.

It also included construction of the main line, piping works for six Pumping Stations piping works (two Launcher and receiving stations and four intermediate pigging stations).

OVL executed the EPC contract with support of ONGC's Engineering Services under a Technical and Administrative Support Agreement (TASA) and kicked off the project execution with consortium of M/s Dodsal Pte Ltd, Dubai and DPL, Mumbai, as the EPC partner.

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