On 13 September, the Women Initiatives Group, in co-operation with the
Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation in Sudan, organised a workshop about the new
Humanitarian Aid law, signed by the president on 4 August 2005. More
than 500 people attended the workshop. The discussion was very fruitful.
Decided was:
Sudanese Environment Conservation society (SECS) will be focal point.
A case will be raised to the Constitutional Court & demonstration
Another demonstration will be held on day discussion in parliament
(after Ramadan)
NGOs will refrain from re-registering
Dissemination of info about the law internationally
We thought you might be interested in the workshop papers (attached).
Best regards,
Rianne Tamis
Sudan Office
18th St. off Baladia St.
P.O.B. 3668, Khartoum 11111
Tel. +249 1 83 780557/771879
Fax +249 1 83 777017
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