As usual as knows the Sudanese Government and Janjaweed, when the negotiation time come close , start the Government the violation of ceasefire agreement as it did last year in the area of Labodo, which influenced negatively of the negotiation in Abuja November last year.
Today attacked the Sudanese Army and its closed Janjaweed Militia the area of Jamaly , Jokhan and killed 6 Civilian and injured 6 others and injured 2 JEM Soldiers too.
Right now there is Army and Militia moving towards the area of Abajora, Dar el Salam and Sarkila supported by Janjaweed Militia.
Therefore JEM warns the Regime in Khartoum to continue the violation of ceasefire. JEM is ready to stop the atrocities and the reaction of JEM will be very hard to the Regime.
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