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1,600 detained following Khartoum riots

8/7/2005 5:49am

KHARTOUM, Aug 6, 2005 — Sudanese authorities detained some 1,640 people following deadly riots in the capital sparked by the death of southern leader John Garang, a human rights group said Saturday.
Punishments handed down by the courts ranged from fines or flogging to three-month prison terms, he said.

Amin said that nearly all of those arrested were southerners, despite the fact that the outpouring of anger that followed Garang’s death in a helicopter crash last Saturday sparked retaliatory attacks by northerners.

But he said his group had no firm evidence to back up complaints by southerners that they were targeted solely because they were southern.

"In situations such as this, it’s possible that there were arbitrary arrests," he said.

Some 110 people died in the capital alone in the three days of disturbances that followed Garang’s death.

Leader of the former rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, Garang died less than a month after being sworn in

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