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Eritrean president mourns death of Garang

8/1/2005 11:53pm

ASMARA, Aug 1, 2005 ( — Expressing deep sorrow over the death of Dr John Garang, first vice-president of the Republic of Sudan and leader of the SPLM/A, President Isayas Afewerki today sent message of condolence on behalf of the people and government of Eritrea and that of his own to Commander Salva Kir Mayardit, deputy leader of the SPLM/A.

Eritrean president receives SPLM leader.(ERINA)In his message of condolence, the president said: "On this tragic occasion, I express continued support on behalf of the State of Eritrea and that of myself to the SPLM/A in its historic endeavours to bring the comprehensive peace agreement to a successful conclusion."

President Isayas went on to express his deep sorrow on the death of Dr John Garang to Commander Salva, the bereaved family and members of SPLM/A in particular and to the brotherly Sudanese people in general.

In a similar message, the Secretary of People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ), Mr Al-Amin Mohammed Seid, said that the death of Dr John Garang is a great loss not only to the Sudanese people but also to the entire people of the region and forces that stand for peace and stability in the Sudan.

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