In the message, el Bashir expressed deep appreciation for what he said were the unrelenting efforts of Libyan leader to find a solution to the crisis in Sudan's western region of Darfur.
President el Bechir insisted on the need for Kadhafi to continue such efforts while taking into consideration the resolutions of the African summit of five - Libya, Nigeria, Sudan, Egypt and Chad - which held in Libya last 17 October.
The meeting had asked the Libyan leader to contact all parties concerned and to continue his efforts until a sustainable solution was found to the issue.
Reacting to the UN Security Council resolution providing for the ICC to try Darfur war crimes suspects, Kadhafi last Saturday reiterated his position against foreign interference in the internal affairs of countries, insisting that Sudanese courts carry out any such trials.
"The Darfur issue does not come under the purview of the Security Council. Its decision is null and void in view of the UN Charter and articles 6 and 7 relating to its mandate. Moreover, implementation of the decision could only fan the conflict in Darfur," the Libyan leader declared.
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