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Iraq group kidnaps 6 Sudanese drivers in Iraq - Web

4/26/2005 7:29am

DUBAI, April 25 (Reuters) - Islamic militant group Army of Ansar al-Sunna said it had abducted six Sudanese drivers working for U.S. forces in Iraq, according to a statement posted on the Internet on Monday.
Militants seized the six after they left a base west of Baghdad, said the statement, adding a video of the drivers would be released soon.

"Your mujahideen brothers were able to ambush Sudanese drivers who were transporting goods, supplies and weapons for American forces," the statement said.

The authenticity of the statement, posted on a Web site often used by Islamic militants, could not be verified.

The organisation, one of the main Sunni Muslim insurgent groups, has claimed responsibility for attacks against U.S. forces and the Iraqi government and killed several hostages.

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