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Demonstration by Sudan Liberation Movement

4/24/2005 12:40pm

Demonstration by Sudan Liberation Movement

Dear Madam/Sir,

It has been estimated that thousands of people lost their lives over the past two years in Darfur region in the Western Sudan as a direct result of the genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by the NIF regime of Khartoum (Sudan). Three hundred innocent people were killed and 2.2 million people are badly displaced and affected. Serious human rights violations have been reported.

The international community has responded by various degrees, but still much has to be done, among others the implementation of the UNSC resolutions 1591 and 1593. The NIF regime of Sudan with aligned Janjawid militias have committed and are still committing gross atrocities against civilians. Your will, collectively or individually, to alleviate the suffering of the population of Darfur by calling for the apprehension of the perpetrators will make a difference.

Therefore, you are invited to participate in the upcoming demonstration and petition in support of the implementation of the Security Council resolutions 1591 and 1593.

Date: April 29th 2005
Time: 13.00 hours
Place: Den Haag CS
Destination: The Office of the UN in The Hague

For more information, please feel free to call:
Home: 06 45 79 0078
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Sudan Liberation Movement

Thank you,

Ahmed M. Mohamedain

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