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COMMENT ON THE COMMANTARY OF Mr. ABDASSALAM by Samuel Ajuong Makuer-Edmonton, Canada
سودانيزاونلاين.كوم 1/8/2006 4:44 am
I came across a comment written by a person by name Ali Abdassalam in which he was initially commenting on our Sister Sara Eissa 's critism of the Sudanese refugees massacre in the hands of the brutal Egyptian security forces in Almohandiseen on the new year's eve.Mr. Abdassalam went too far and described those victims as opportunists, baggers, and prostitutes. Also he called on to Ms Eissa to go back to Sudan and contended that no one needs protection against the government in Khartoum except from the Southerners against whom he fears and needs protection.Even though Ms Eissa has strongly defended her case against such shallow understanding of the ordeal that befallen to those victims of hatred and brutality of the Egyptian security forces, I would like to add some points:
First, I think if Mr.Abdassalam is not one of Tieb Mustafa's racist camp that wants to separate the Northern Sudan because Marginalized people have called for equality of all the Sudanese, then he would be another ignorant who still lives in a dark world of misinformation. Such misrepresentation of the facts from the National Congress party(NCP) and its mercenaries has become a chronic disease in Sudan.It is not surprising to hear the pliable (NCP) members praising their master Egyptian government and blamed the murdered children, women, and elderly people who were murdered while they were protesting peacefully for their rights as decent human beings but not prostitutes, opportunists or baggers as it is alleged by distorters such as Mr. Abdassalam and his likes. Just because of their inferiority and their obvious naiveness that keep them not to confront Egyptian government which still conquering Halaib, the (NCP) has decided to imitate the Egyptian government version.
Second, Let Mr.Abdassalam know that Southerners have no any grudge towards their brothers and sisters in the North as he perceives, the incident of the Black Tuesday which followed our fallen hero Dr. Grang was spontaneously occurred as a result of shock and anger. Again due to the shallowness, it will be very difficult to understand such isolate incidents the way other Sudanese understood it. God bless!
Samuel Ajuong Makuer Edmonton, Canada Email:[email protected]
اقرا اخر الاخبار السودانية على سودانيز اون لاين