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Re: Black African Leaders should not Attend AU Summit in Khartoum By: Elhadi Adam Elomda

1/1/2006 11:50 pm

Date: January 1, 2006

Mr. Chairman of Democratic Forum party, I have read your article published on “” website on Dec.30, 2005. Wherein, you have illustrated legitimate objections of why the upcoming African Union (AU) summit should not be held in Khartoum, between January 16 and 25 of 2006. I strongly believed that you demonstrated sound reasons, objections, and facts. However the AU can not give up of holding its upcomming summit in Khartoum without considering any of your sound objections. This is because of several reasons.

To begin with, the AU itself has serious problem in its leadership structure. The current leadership structure of African union was formed of discriminative people. For example, Alpha Oumar Konaré, the Commission Chairman of AU, considers himself from Arab race or ethnic. As a result, he is loyal to the Arab regimes and people more than any other regime or ethnic in Africa.

In case of Sudan, Alpha Oumar Konaré knows that the ongoing warfare in Sudan is between Sudanese Arab government, National Congress Party (NCP) government, and black African people. Additionally, he knows that the NCP government implicated in serious problem by committing genocide against Sudanese balck African people and with international criminal court by not handover the fifty-one NCP war criminal to the International Criminal Court at Hague. So, Alpha Oumar Konaré concocts an intrigue to drag the African Uion Summit to be held in Khartoum in order to honor and to improve the image of the NCP government. He wants to show fake solidarity of African people with NCP government as attempt to boost the morals NCP government and to stop the intertional Criminal court to pursuing its case with NCP government.

Secondly, the black African leaders are not morally responsible leaders to care of their suffering people. Most African leaders refuse to confess that NCP government committed genocide against its people. They refuse the international community intervention to stop the ongoing genocide in Darfur region of Sudan. So, the African leaders lack moral and humanitarian imperative to uphold the deprived and suffered people in Darfur. For instance, Olusegun Obasanjo , the AU current president, badly defends and backs up NCP government by saying to the international community that the NCP government is not totalitarian regime and did not commit genocide in Darfur. This is evident example of how the African leaders disregard the gross human rights abuses against their people.

Finally, I totally disagree with you that the AU image could be destroyed internationally if held its upcoming summit in Khartoum. This is simply the AU does not has an image at all in order to be destroyed. Its troops in Darfur are working on behalf of NCP government. They are working as reconnaissance and espionage squads by tracing, locating, and reporting the movement of Sudanese Liberation Army to the NCP troops and its alliance Janjaweed . On other hand, I agree with you that by holding AU Summit in Khartoum these days like holding a European Summit in Berlin after the massacre of six million Jews in Europe. This is will expose the genuine face of AU structure, leadership, and motivations. It will show that the AU in desperate need to be reformed.

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