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Arab League and KKK are Two Faces for One Coin By Elhadi Adam Elomda

3/23 8:54am

By Elhadi Adam Elomda

E-mail: [email protected]

Date: March 23, 2005

Arab League and KKK are Two Faces for One Coin

The KKK (Ku Klux Klan) is equivalent to the Arab League. This is because of the similarity and agreement of these two terrorist organizations’ goals. The KKK was founded to promote the white man’s superiority in the United States of America. It looks for the dominance of white men within political, economical, and cultural aspects in the USA. The KKK started to achieve its goals by strengthening the relations among the white men in the USA. However, the KKK used discriminative means against the minority black people in the USA in order to achieve its prospective goals. As a result, the back people and disheartened white people revolted against the KKK. Therefore, the KKK was disbanded in the 1940s although it changed its goals of hating the black people into love of white people. By the time the KKK was disbanded in the USA as a terrorist organization, another KKK was born.

This new KKK was born in a different area and has a dissimilar name from the former KKK. Yet, this new born KKK has similar goals to the former one. The newly formed KKK is named the Arab League. The Arab League was established in order to strengthen the political, economical, and cultural relations between its members. The league membership constituted of any independent Arab countries from any continent. Charter I states that “Any independent Arab state has the right to become a member of the League.” Ironically, all these Arab KKK members were considered Islamic countries. Their values and motivations descended from their Islamic curriculums and the holy Quran book.

In spite of these countries holding the holy Quran book and having massive Islamic doctrines in their education and the media, which prevent racism and ask for the equality of human beings; the Arab league supports the superiority of Arab people and abuse of other minorities inside the Arab territory. Charter VIII points out that “each state shall pledge to abstain from any action calculated to change established systems of any Arabian government.” Moreover, the Arab league encourages the implementation of Arabization by using forcible means to Non-Arab people. For example, the Arab league supported the government of Sudan, which was established mainly from Arab personnel, to practice brutal and inhumane means against the Non-Arab people. The Sudanese African people revolted in order to demand their basic rights such as justice and public service. The Arab League refused to impose any actions against the Sudanese government, which could lead to change in the Sudanese government regime. This is because the Arab League evades transformation of the Sudanese government power to a Non-Arab regime. The Arab league charter disallowed any other Non-Arab to gain the power in Arab states, which contradicted with Islamic values. The Arab League also never dares to denounce the Sudanese government’s brutal actions against its African descendant’s population in any one of the league’s summit.

Because of the Arab league’s existence, the Arab countries in Asia and Africa continents experienced serious turmoil such as terrorists’ acts or insurrection. Nowadays, the Arab League leaders are gathering in Algeria in order to come up with sham strategies that assist the Arabian regimes to suppress their ongoing riots. Although these riots are in the Arab countries, they took place due to the injustice in the Arab world. Consequently, for the Arab leaders must reform their Arab League in order to give all the minority people in Arab land their rights, such as to be president of the Arabian country and Leader of Arab League. In case of Arab leaders refuse to reform their Arab League, for the international organizations, such as the United Nations, and international communities must revoke dealing with the Arab League. In addition they must compel the Arab countries to respect humanity, abolish discrimination, disband their League, and promote democracy.

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