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Khartoum regime vs Liberation movements by Ahmed M. Mohamedain-NL

3/14 4:22am

It is no coincident that the behavioural stubbornness of the gang comrades in grave crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide atrocities has equal tenacity in desperate attempt to detach themselves from their intrinsic quality of evilness. Mustafa Ismail, the 2nd top Janjawid lieutenant after Ali Osman Taha, confirm the regimes bleak endeavour to put the blame on both Sudan Liberation Movement/Army and Justice and Equality Movement as being unwilling to the resumption of negotiations. However, there is no other supreme aim for these two movements than the talks inductive to the comprehensive political settlement to which they are more willingly prepared to adhere.
To divert the unbearable concern of the international community in either bringing the perpetrators to justice or justice to the perpetrators, Mustafa Ismail is sanguinely trying to challenge the collective awareness of those who profoundly condemn Khartoum’s favourite philosophy of ethnic cleansing in Darfur.
Justice, which was given precedence to peace, forms a substantial pillar to the constructive and comprehensive political settlement invariably in any issue. It would not be unfair if the negotiation table could not be surrounded by the heavy criminals of high profile. Only the word of those people who have not engineered the genocide campaign in Darfur, to which Mustafa Osman is an alien, can be considered credible. Mustafa Ismail, instead of preparing himself to accompany his colleges to the ICC, has time to wage accusations on the SLM/A and JEM as reluctant to talks.

It would be indubitably a great favour to political settlement and humanity in general, if Mustafa Ismail liaises with his comrades how and when they surrender themselves into the arms of justice. International community can no longer keep on being fooled by Khartoum’s hypocritical outcry about the refusal of the movements to join the talks. The perception that a guilty is less trustworthy, to depend on, in negotiating any type of agreement is quite accurate. To the dismay of the regime, this has not escaped the minds of many.

According to Alrayalaam newspaper, Mustafa Ismail confirmed that the humanitarian situation in Darfur is in better shape and the regime has utterly ceased all military activities. On the contrary, humanitarian situation is rapidly going down hill. The proxy regime militia and the regime forces are still carrying out the atrocities with impunity.
The recent visit of the top Jajawid lieutenant, Ali Osman Taha, was aimed to fuel up the atrocities of gross magnitude and scale. According to the regime, the atrocities being carried out by the light weight Janjawid militia are not enough. That necessitates, therefore, the presence of the master of malevolence himself, Ali Osman, in his recent trip to Darfur. With high degree of certainty, he did not go to punish the perpetrators who he commands rather than further punish the frail innocents. He, with no less degree of scepticism went to promote and stimulate what his gangs are doing.

Thus, Mustafa Ismail would not be forgiven for the crimes he and his regime have committed and still are adamantly continuing. The situation in Darfur, contrarily to what the regime gangs say, is worsening gravely by a minute. For the regime to find partners in negotiations, it has to select those who have not been tainted by the blood of innocent people of Darfur, which the regime lacks. Alternatively, the people of Darfur warmly welcome Al-Bashir and his lieutenants to the talks when and only after they have not failed the rewarding visit to International Criminal Court.

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