02-01-2015, 03:32 PM


Post: #1
Author: Adaroub Sedna Onour
Date: 02-01-2015, 03:32 PM
Parent: #0

It is agony, how the fascist tyranny of Sudan never fails to let down those who sincerely stretch a helping hand, to help it ride out of its countless crises? To this day, events keep unfolding, only to confirm that the regime’s policies are totally not in favor of the hungry and destitute masses of Sudan. The outlaw regime which- in 1989 –seized power through a military coup, not ballot boxes, made no secrecy of its being anti-people from day one. They vividly and tirelessly kept changing laws ,dissolved all trade-unions ,laid-off thousands of public-servants from public corporations -all non-loyalists to their notorious Islamic movement -… especially uniformed personnel from the army and police . Thus the country’s wealth and power gathered in the hands of the criminal gang of Dr. Hassan El-Turabi. Ever since, confiscations, looting of public-money, arrests of political opponents, torture, killing for mere suspicion of disloyalty, maltreatment of all non-partisans and being indifferent to the suffering of the Sudanese people became ….a strictly-applied a state-policy…. Dr, Turabi, who was and still is, in full control of this mess set the bar even higher and converted Sudan to a global terrorism –hub hosting radical groups from every imaginable corner of our universe. On the whole Sudan broke with its past and became a nation with an unidentifiable political and ideological identity. Except for some perceptions of the Machiavellian man which were forcibly wrapped up in Islamic folds, but were irrelevant to Islam and only decipherable by Dr Turabi? So a nation-wide irritation erupted, and the regime heavy-handedly cracked on any resistance and silenced forever anyone who voiced discontent or opposed its policies, insisting, groundlessly, not to revoke any of its inhumane decisions, because…as they proclaimed, they were divine Islamic laws that tallied with the heritage and culture of Sudan and capable of re-setting the country back on the right track leading to the roots and the glorious past of Sudan????? Those ridiculous, unsustainable and totally inapplicable policies rebounded strongly on the ruling cabal ,whose Mecca has now become china to which they frequently travel in an attempt to lure the Chinese to a have a heavier presence , preferably, military –bases in war-torn Sudan(primarily to protect the cabal who are obsessed by the unthinkable scenario of regime collapse) But the realities on the ground are not encouraging, and have all the ingredients of scaring away any investor, because the country is ethnically divided. At present, almost all the non-Arabic speaking indigenous groups of Sudan are either up in arms or sympathetic with the rebels and waiting for the cat jump to take sides? Nonetheless, the out of touch regime is still pressing a head with its practically unachievable plan of changing the African identity of the country by erasing the collective memory of its people, through demolishing all the old monuments or neglecting them ,,,e.g. the grand hotel, red sea hotel, all cinemas ,etc…and now the historical presidential palace????? Hence, don’t I have ample grounds if I said that what is happening in Sudan today is not a policy of unintended up-side down priorities, but rather state-sponsored policies of marginalization ,systematically and institutionally imposed on the majority non-Arab indigenous peoples of Sudan .in this context we should put the on-going mind-numbing capital crimes committed by this regime, which knows neither mercy nor reason , such as we still see in Darfur ,blue Nile state and south kordofan where thousands of villages are still being burned and millions of innocent villagers are being displaced in miserable conditions from their ancestors land after deliberately destroying their crops to ruin their livelihoods? Whereas in Khartoum prominent figures lade openly from the unguarded public-money pool ,and don’t bother being head items in the local media, because they are over confident of their being above the law? I wonder how such a regime survives, when it is worse than Nazi Germany and fascist Italy combined??????????
Adaroub sedna onour
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