British ambassador stresses: leaving the EU will not affect relations with Sudan

British ambassador stresses: leaving the EU will not affect relations with Sudan

06-28-2016, 05:26 PM


Post: #1
Title: British ambassador stresses: leaving the EU will not affect relations with Sudan
Author: Sudan News Agency
Date: 06-28-2016, 05:26 PM

04:26 PM June, 28 2016

Sudanese Online
Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan
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Khartoum, 27 June (SUNA)- The UK ambassador to the Sudan, Michael Aron, has said the result of his country's vote to leave the EU will not affect the developed relations between his country and the Sudan.

The ambassador on Monday called on the Undersecretary at the Ministry of Foreign Relations ambassador Abdul Ghani Al Naeem Awad Al karim, and discussed with him bilateral trade and economic cooperation as well as the hurdles that slow the process of this cooperation and how to remedy them.

The meeting has also reviewed the positive developments in relations between the two countries with the launch of the strategic dialogue, a few months ago, the outcome of that encounter and the positive understanding reached as well as the agreements to strengthen coordination between the two countries.

It also touched on the successful visit of the British envoy to the Sudan, Mathiew Cannel, past May.

The undersecretary has stressed the need to continue coordination at this pace between the two sides. The Undersecretary has stressed the need to raise the level of coordination between the two countries at the international forums.

The undersecretary also briefed the ambassador on the developments at the level of the National dialogue and he peace process in the Sudan.

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