Three raped in Sudan’s Sennar

Three raped in Sudan’s Sennar

05-31-2016, 04:42 PM


Post: #1
Title: Three raped in Sudan’s Sennar
Author: Radio Dabanga
Date: 05-31-2016, 04:42 PM

04:42 PM May, 31 2016

Sudanese Online
Radio Dabanga-Amsterdam NL
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May 30 - 2016andnbsp;SINJA

Three girls were raped in separate incidents in the residential area of Sinja, in central-eastandnbsp;Sudan’s Sennar, over the weekend. Residents complained about the abusive militiamen in the area.

Several members of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces reportedly entered the Hai Aluda, a neighbourhood in Sinja, on Sunday. They seized two girls and took them outside the town at gunpoint, where they raped them.

On Friday, militiamen abducted a girl from her home in Sinja to an unknown location. They released her on Sunday after raping her multiple times, a listener reported. At the time of publication the age of the victims was unknown. The listener did not know whether their families have reported the incidents to the police.

He added that a man was beaten by the militiamen in Hai Aluda on Sunday, sustaining critical injuries.

The listener complained about the rising number of violations and abuses by the militiamen in Sinja. “They now happen on a daily basis, without authorities moving to confront them.”

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