Khartoum hosts Sudanese-Saudi Joint Ministerial Committee on 19th May

Khartoum hosts Sudanese-Saudi Joint Ministerial Committee on 19th May

05-11-2015, 06:04 PM


Post: #1
Title: Khartoum hosts Sudanese-Saudi Joint Ministerial Committee on 19th May
Author: SudaneseOnline News
Date: 05-11-2015, 06:04 PM
Parent: #0

06:04 PM May, 11 2015
Sudanese Online
SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan
My Library at SudaneseOnline

Sudanese capital of Khartoum will host on 19th May the Joint Ministerial Committee between Sudan and Saudi Arabia, under the chairmanship of the two Agriculture Ministers of the two countries
Spokesman of Sudan’s Foreign Ministry, Ambassador Ali Sadiq, said in press statements on Monday Sudanese-Saudi Joint Ministerial Committee will last for two days, pointing out that the Committee would discuss areas of mutual cooperation between the two countries in all fields, in particular the common agricultural investment and food security, as well as discuss ways of activating cooperation in agricultural research centers
Sudanese diplomat noted the ministerial meeting also will address convening of the political consultation committee between the two countries, which are deferred to a later date that was scheduled to take place last month in Riyadh
Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir said last October that his country has managed to overcome the frosty relations with Saudi Arabia, saying Khartoum’s ties with Tehran don’t qualify to be described as strategic.
“Our relationship with Saudi Arabia was frosty but not tense because there is nothing going on between the two countries that could strain relations and even this chill in ties wouldn’t have occurred without the leak of large amount of false information on the situation in Sudan and its foreign relations particularly with Iran,” he added

Spokesman of Sudan’s Foreign Ministry

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