اكبر عمليات انسانية ل ((ICRC )) في العالم تجري تحضير لها بدارفور

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04-26-2004, 10:17 PM

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تاريخ التسجيل: 04-05-2004
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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
اكبر عمليات انسانية ل ((ICRC )) في العالم تجري تحضير لها بدارفور

    في وقت الذي يتسول النظام ويفتح حسابات في كثير من عواصم العربية

    باسم ضحايا جرائمها لتذهب الي جيوبهم كما ذهب من قبل مليارات طريق

    الانقاذ وجسور الجوية لضحايا فيضانات كسلا ...........وووووالخ

    هاهي منظمة الصليب الاحمر الدولية تدشن لدارفور اكبر عمليات

    انسانية في العالم , اذ تاتي هذه العمليات ضمن اتفاق وقف اطلاق

    النار , فمرحبا بالصليب الاحمر لانقاذ البقية الباقية من اهالي

    دارفور بتقديم الدواء بعد ان نشر هذا النظام اللعين الداء.

    19:39 UT
    Red Cross boosts Darfur aid operation, making it one of world's largest
    Monday April 26th, 2004.
    GENEVA, April 26(AFP) -- The International Committee of the Red Cross said it was boosting its operation in Sudan's strife-torn Darfur region, suddenly turning it into one of the relief agency's largest operations in the world.
    The ICRC has slowly increased the number of foreign staff in the region to 15, but is now trying to bring that number up to 50 to provide mainly medical help for hundreds of thousands of people who have fled their homes, spokesman Juan Martinez said.
    "It will become one of the biggest operations in the world once all the expatriates are there, that's for sure. It's something enormous that takes time," Martinez told AFP.
    "That's almost as much as Afghanistan after the war involving the Americans three years ago, almost as important as Iraq when the conflict started there a year ago, so it is really very substantial."
    "It's rare for us to step up an operation with 50 expatriates in one go, when with 40 people we would already cover a major operation," he added.
    The United Nations has warned of "widespread atrocities" by government-backed forces in the largely desert area of western Sudan during a year-long conflict between Khartoum and local rebels.
    Khartoum had blocked access to Darfur until last week. But despite recent improvements, Martinez said some areas were still out of bounds to the ICRC.
    The UN estimates that the war has claimed at least 10,000 lives, forced about one million people out of their homes, and driven more than 100,000 of them to seek shelter across the border in neighbouring Chad.



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