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The Speech of Al-Sayid Mohamed Osman El-Merghani in the inaugural session of the 2nd NDA congress

02-12-2016, 01:54 AM
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The Speech of Al-Sayid Mohamed Osman El-Merghani in the inaugural session of the 2nd NDA congress

    01:54 AM Feb, 12 2016

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    The Speech of Al-Sayid Mohamed Osman El-Merghani, President of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and President of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), in the inaugural session of the 2nd NDA congress
    (Massawa –Eritrea – Saturday September 9, 2000)

    Brothers and Sisters members of the 2nd Congress of the NDA,
    Brothers representatives of the State of Eritrea
    Brothers audience and guests

    It is a pleasure to welcome you to this historic meeting of the NDA that is held after five years of continuing efforts and struggle. Through this gathering I hail and appreciate the resistance of the Sudanese masses, in all the struggle fields, for the realization of their lawful aspirations for a free decent life.
    In your name, and the name of the Sudanese people, I express the appreciation for all those who supported the fair Sudanese question, especially the governments, the peoples and the organizations of the sister countries of Eritrea, Arab Republic of Egypt, Libya, Republic of Uganda and all the other friendly countries that carried great efforts for stopping the war in Sudan, putting an end to the dictatorial regime, restoring democracy and establishing the basis of a just peace.

    Brothers and Sisters
    When the Turabi Front, and its military wing, conspired against the legitimate authority in the end of June 1989, all the national groups hurried to form a wide front for resistance. This front was based on the minimum-end agreement for the removal of the regime and the restoration of democracy. In October 1989 the formation of the NDA was announced in Kober prison as a wide coalition of political, trade union and military and independent groups that have their programs and objectives. The year 1991 witnessed the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement’s joining of the NDA.
    In 1995 the Sudanese Alliance Forces and the Beja Congress joined the NDA, and in 1996 the Sudanese Federal Alliance and Sudanese National Party joined it. Later in 1999 other groups, such as the Arab Socialist Baath Party and the Free Lions Forces joined the NDA. All influential groups took their place under the umbrella of the NDA, which became more powerful and determined to fully carry out its assignment through the different struggle means.
    So, the march of the NDA started to realize its legitimate demands for democracy, unity, peace and putting an end to the blood shedding that continued almost for half a century. The basis of the opposition work were determined through several meetings of the national opposition groups, and the voice of the NDA went high in many international and regional arenas that support the endeavors for freedom and peace. The NDA succeeded in exposing, to the whole world, the secret agendas of the regime that worked hard to destabilize the security of the region, sponsor and export international terrorism, shelter the terrorist organizations, suppress and torture those who carry different opinions, mass dismissal of citizens in the disciplined forces and the civil service, forcibly conscript the young students and push them into the war, and suppress the professionals, workers and the honest national businessmen. The days have proved the truthfulness of all that we said and showed, and witnesses who belong to the regime itself after they went into conflict of power have very recently affirmed this.
    In June 1995 the march of the NDA was crowned by the fundamental issues conference held in Asmara, the capital of the sister state of Eritrea. In that meeting the national groups discussed frankly, deeply and courageously all the issues and chronic crisis that hindered development since independence, the crisis that became more complicated as a result of the Turabi Front regime policies. The sincere spirit dominated that conference led the meeting to reach a fixed comprehensive agreement on all the fundamental issues, the high national objectives and the necessary machineries of realizing them.
    The political and diplomatic efforts carried during the several visits to many Arab and African countries, such as Egypt, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Libya, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Eritrea, Uganda, Ethiopia and Kenya, were fruitful in explaining the developments of the Sudanese question, exchanging ideas with the presidents and officials of those countries for ending the suffering of the Sudanese people. Our efforts went far to the United States and Britain, both concerned with the Sudanese question, and the regional and international human rights organizations.
    As a result of these efforts many countries became convinced of the just demands of the Sudanese people represented by the NDA, and expressed their support to it. Egypt invited the NDA’s Leadership Council to hold a meeting in Cairo in August 1998, in a step that meant its recognition of the NDA and its objectives and means. Later in July 1999, an NDA’s Leadership Council meeting was held in the Libyan capital Tripoli, and another meeting was held in Kampala-Uganda in December 1999. This clear presence of the NDA in both internal and external arenas, despite the getting away of some of us, confirms the fact that we are more powerful and determined to realize our objectives and goals supported by the continuous popular pressures of our courageous masses inside the country represented in all the political and trade union groups that go on resistance. Despite the hard security grasp, the NDA groups inside the country presented their daring memorandums in June 1996 and December 1998 taking the national struggle to the public stage. It was only then the regime started its retreat in front of increasing popular pressures inside and abroad.

    The position of the NDA towards the comprehensive political solution depends on the honest and courageous confrontation of the roots of the Sudanese conflict that became more complicated throughout the years of “Ingaz”. We kept treating the issue of the political solution from a comprehensive integrating point of view that does not accept indivisible or partial solutions. Last year has witnessed great developments in the struggle march of the Sudanese people for the realization of their objectives under the leadership of the NDA, which was intensified since the NDA approved the IGAD Declaration of Principles (1994) and became committed to the resolutions of the fundamental issues conference (Asmara 1995) as fundamental basis and reference for the political solution that we target. These were confirmed by the related NDA’s Leadership Council resolutions in Asmara in March 1998, which were expressed in the two memorandums of the NDA to the regime in June 1996 and December 1998. The Tripoli Declaration of August 1999 articulated the framework of the comprehensive solution as expressed in the Joint Egyptian Libyan Initiative. The NDA has confirmed its position towards the comprehensive political solution, which depends on opening the way for confronting the roots of the Sudanese crisis continued since the independence of the country, in Kampala meeting (December 1999) that represented a great diversion in the NDA’s work and which was attended, for the first time, by an NDA delegation from inside the Sudan giving an evidence for its unity inside and abroad. That meeting affirmed the vision of the NDA in treating the Sudanese crisis through the united negotiation position agreed upon by all the NDA groups. In this concern the NDA has called the Khartoum regime to execute the essential arrangements included in the negotiation position. The NDA demanded the government to fulfill the arrangements mentioned in Tripoli Declaration that concern creating an atmosphere for the national dialogue. The regime did not yet carry out the necessary arrangements included in the Tripoli Declaration in a way that encourages the NDA to start steps needed for the national dialogue that leads to safeguard our country the disasters. For us the purpose from carrying out these arrangements is to show the credibility of the regime and to reach a confidence which is necessary for starting a dialogue that leads to the lasting solution of the whole Sudanese conflict.
    What has been done so far is not enough to create an atmosphere for the dialogue as agreed upon in Tripoli Declaration. Three main reasons are: Firstly: the regime did not present its negotiation position,. Secondly: the regime, instead of facing the realities, goes on maneuvers and irrational justifications. An evidence is seen in its call for a preparatory gathering that precedes the preliminary meeting suggested by the states of the Joint Initiative. This is a tactical work to gain time and escape what has been agreed upon, and it resulted in slowing the process for the comprehensive political solution. Thirdly: The response of the regime to some of the arrangements for creating the atmosphere was not a step towards realizing the strategic objectives agreed upon, but for certain objectives that concern the regime. The “Tawlai” law was cancelled and substituted by a new law of parties that looks similar to the old one and aims at restricting the parties’ activities. The evidence is seen in the continuation of calling the active politicians to report daily to the security offices and detaining them. The freedom of press is not guaranteed, as it should be in healthy democratic atmosphere.

    In its meeting held in Cairo between 5 and 10 July, the NDA’s Leadership Council affirmed its being sticked to the Joint Egyptian Libyan Initiative, and it also showed its response to the Egyptian invitation for holding a preliminary meeting between the NDA and the Khartoum regime. It affirmed its earnest endeavors to coordinate between the Joint Egyptian Libyan Initiative and that of the IGAD in order to reach a one negotiation forum that leads to radical and final solutions to the Sudanese crisis. The NDA Leadership Council agreed to convene this meeting, and I was delegated to arrange for this meeting in cooperation with Egypt. The NDA Leadership Council also demanded certain measures including annulment of articled 9 and 31 of the repressive national security law, and guaranteeing the freedom of political and trade union organizations. That was on the 9th of last July.
    For this purpose the committee for the comprehensive political solution held in March 2000 a series of contact and meetings with the ambassadors of the European Community and the United States in the State of Eritrea to under line the NDA’s commitment to the comprehensive political solution. The committee also met the secretariat of the Joint Egyptian Libyan Initiative on May 15th, 2000, and submitted to the latter a note at its request detailing the NDA’s point of view to revitalize the comprehensive political solution and the means of coordination between the initiatives at hand. The note was appreciated and accepted by the secretariat, which promised to refer it to the Khartoum regime. The secretariat also reported on efforts to reach the comprehensive political solution and reviewed results of its meetings with the authorities in Khartoum, and presented the NDA’s negotiation position to the Khartoum regime which has not answered in writing till now. The meetings of the Joint Initiative’s secretariat were positive and we felt the wish by Egypt and Libya to accelerate the steps of the comprehensive political solution.
    The committee for the comprehensive political initiatives contacted the IGAD secretariat in Nairobi, and immediately on arrival the Foreign Minister of the regime protested against the presence of the delegation in Kenya. A mission led by Qotbi El-Mahdi headed to Nairobi to voice his protest and threatened the withdrawal of the government from the IGAD initiative and the suspension of Operation Life Line in case a meeting is granted for the NDA delegation. The IGAD secretariat apologized to meet with the delegation under those circumstances succumbing to the regime’s pressure. This stand clearly confirms that the Khartoum regime is not serious to reach the comprehensive political solution and reveals the motives behind the contradictory statements made by many officials. However, we appreciate the stands of the IGAD Partners who understood the NDA’s situation and affirmed their support to its efforts. We look forward to appositive stand by the IGAD states in this respect by exerting pressure on the regime to respond to the efforts for coordinating between the two initiatives to reach a one-negotiation forum.
    On our side we made telephone contacts with Mr. Amr Mousa, the Foreign Minister of Egypt, and Dr. Ali Abdel Salam El-Tereiki, Secretary of the People’s Committee for Unity Affairs in Libya, during which I explained developments of the efforts carried out by the NDA’s delegation in Nairobi to coordinate between the IGAD and the Joint Initiatives and the obstacles which prevented the delegation from meeting the IGAD secretariat. I appealed to the sisterly Egypt and Libya to continue and intensify efforts to achieve the minimum end of the procedures for creating an atmosphere for dialogue between the NDA and the Khartoum regime. I affirmed to them that we in the NDA are deal with the issue of the comprehensive political solution with sincerity and seriousness despite the attempts of distortions by the Khartoum regime.
    The NDA’s Leadership Council issued a resolution on July 10, 2000 authorizing the President of the NDA to hold a preliminary meeting with the Khartoum regime suggested by the brothers in Egypt, and we communicated this resolution to the states of the Joint Initiative. We are determined to come out of this meeting with tangible results that satisfy our people’s aspirations. However we did not receive yet any positive response.

    Brothers and Sisters
    Sudan’s problems and fundamental issues can not be discussed and resolved except by serious and continuous dialogue between all Sudanese political groups, and these dialogues can not lead to fruitful results except in a healthy democratic atmosphere where public freedoms are guaranteed for all political shades to express their views from a national strategic position that targets Sudan higher interest away from partisan and individual narrow gains. Starting from this strategic objective, if the government proves its seriousness this preliminary meeting can be held, and the steps towards coordination between the Joint Initiative and that of the IGAD can be accelerated. That will be followed by the dialogue gathering for reaching a political agreement that ends with the formation of a transitional national government to be assigned the duty of holding a national constitutional conference, the execution of the resolutions and the recommendations of this conference, administration of the country during the interim period and running of the plebiscite on self determination. Throughout the government shall support the option of the voluntary unity, organize general elections and hand power to the elected government.
    The NDA renews its commitment to its Charters and Resolutions, and affirms that the contacts carried with all parties aim at reaching solutions that lead to the restoration of freedom, democracy, voluntary unity and just peace. There shall never be any partial solutions within the north-north or the south-north. The comprehensive political solution sought is the one that guarantees all the rights and duties for the people of the Sudan on the basis of citizenship.
    Brothers and Sisters
    You are aware of the after effects of the Umma Party position vis-à-vis the NDA before and after the Leadership Council meeting in Kampala towards the end of last year which led the part’s decision to freeze its membership in the NDA. Form above this forum I commend the brothers from the Umma party who jointed the NDA’s delegation from inside. In your name I want to appeal to Al-Sayed El-Sadiq El-Mahdi to reconsider that decision and return to the NDA ranks where he should contribute to the comprehensive solution desired by all the people if genuine.

    Brothers and Sisters
    We gather at this important historical meeting, attended by an honorable group of people fighting for democracy, freedom and peace, along with the delegates from the liberated areas in eastern Sudan who dedicated themselves and much of their resources to extend relief and aid to the people of the liberated areas deserving our highest appreciation. In this respect we appeal to sisterly and friendly countries and all voluntary organizations to offer relief and assistance to the inhabitants of these areas who suffer shortages in the essential needs of life. These people do not get their share from the aid that goes to the areas controlled by the regime, although human suffering is the same.

    Brothers and Sisters
    The NDA continues to champion rights of the Sudanese individuals to a free and decent life. It pays efforts to expose the violations of human rights committed by the regime’s security forces. This effectively prevented the regime from its suppressive practices. However, ugly resolutions that restrict public freedoms and lawful rights continue to come out, and very recently a decision banning women from working in the business and services sector was issued. From this meeting we affirm our rejection of any procedure or law that prevents women from earning their living.

    Brothers and sisters
    This meeting is held in a crucial historic turning point where the Sudanese people suffer much from the Turabi Front regime, and at a time regional and international arenas witness important developments and variables we need to consider. This meeting aims at reaching visions concerning Sudan’s fundamental issues, emphasizing positions on the comprehensive political solution and options to dismantle the one-party state in favor of a democratic state according to the previous resolutions reached in Asmara, Cairo, Tripoli and Kampala, and according to the results reached by the adhoc committees.
    To realize these noble objective, we have to tackle many issues including the NDA’s performance during the last five years, the present political situation, the arrangements of the transitional period, ratifying the relevant laws and conventions, discussing the means of struggle that concern the options agreed by the NDA, evaluating the internal political situation after the split in ranks of the ruling party and its reflections of the actual possibilities to attain a comprehensive political solution. Our meeting also aims at examining the developments and changes at the external level whether regionally or internationally and their consequences on the endeavors for a comprehensive political solution of the Sudanese crisis.
    I sincerely hope that your historic meeting succeeds in accomplishing all these tasks and issues at hand. We are fully confident that we can do all this. The Sudanese people have credited us with their confidence and support, we pledge to march the road of struggle until the final goals are realized. I hope that this meeting will lend the NDA more force and cohesion, to remain united by bonds of mutual trust and respect being the sole guarantee for a united Sudan and the beacon of present and future life.

    In the name of all of you, I highly appreciate the continuing true support of all the sisterly and friendly countries given to the Sudanese people’s cause. In your name and that of the Sudanese people I wish to thank and appreciate the sisterly state of Eritrea and its Leader President Assias Afwerki for their support of the Sudanese people’s cause.
    I hail the tremendous and sincere efforts made by the political, trade unionist, military groups working under the umbrella of the NDA in and outside Sudan who defend the Sudanese people’s cause in all fronts. A special tribute to our valiant fighters and those who sacrificed their life for the sake of the Sudanese people. We salute the NDA leaderships in and outside Sudan in their relentless efforts for the victory of our national cause, and tribute first and above all to the great people of Sudan.
    May God guide our steps.
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