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The National Democratic Alliance (NDA), Sudan

02-12-2016, 01:53 AM
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The National Democratic Alliance (NDA), Sudan

    01:53 AM Feb, 12 2016

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    The Sudanese people started their resistance to the military regime ever since it came to power through the coup de' tat of 30 June 1989. The political, intellectual, trade union and military leaders of the opposition came together inside the detention camps and established the National Democratic Alliance (NDA), as a Largest Political Alliance in the history of the Sudan for organizing and leading the popular struggle against the new dictatorship in Sudan and the fundamentalist regime of the National Islamic Front (NIF). The various parties and groupings forming the NDA formulated a national charter outlining their political vision, approach and resistance program. The NDA has subsequently set up its headquarters outside Sudan in Asmara, the capital city of our fraternal country Eritrea, together with branch offices at Cairo, Nairobi, Washington, London, etc
    The Composition of the NDA

    The NDA is composed of the political parties, trade unions, and officers of the Legitimate Command of the Sudanese Armed Forces, the armed factions and independent national personalities which signed the NDA's National Charter of October 1989. The number of the signatories of the NDA charter reached 13 parties, 56 unions and federations, armed factions and other groupings and national personalities. The current Leadership Council of the NDA includes the following organizations:
    1. The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP).
    2. The Umma Party*.
    3. The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement and Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLM/SPLA).
    4. The Union of Sudan African Parties (USAP).
    5. The Communist Party of Sudan (CPS).
    6. The General Council of the Trade Unions Federations.
    7. The Legitimate Command of the Sudanese Armed Forces.
    8. The Beja Congress.
    9. The Sudan Alliance Forces*.
    10. The Federal Democratic Alliance.
    11. The Free Lions Association.
    12. The Arab Baath Socialist Party.
    13. Independent National Figures.
    14. Representatives of the Liberated Areas.
    15. Sudanese National Party.
    *The Umma party suspended its membership in the NDA on March 2000, though it is committed to the NDA’s resolutions and declarations.
    * On 26 of February 2002 SAF merged with SPLM/A.
    The Organizational Structure
    The second conference of the NDA held in Massawa, Eritrea, on 9-13 September 2000, issued its resolutions and organizational recommendations regarding the NDA structures and the necessary mechanisms for guiding its performance as follows:
    1) The Congress
    The congress is to be composed of the representatives of all the political parties, trade unions, military, and women federations, students organizations and independent personalities that are members of the NDA. Each organization will be represented according to the criteria determined by the LC.
    The congress should be held once every two years. It is responsible for the designing, reviewing and evaluation of all the policies and programs of the NDA. It also elects the President of the NDA and its leading and executive bodies.
    2) The Leadership Council (LC)
    It consists of the leaders of the organizations members of the NDA and a representative of the independent national personalities.
    The LC is the supreme political leadership of the NDA that supervises and follows up the implementation of the decisions and directives issued by the conference and those issued by the LC itself. The LC chooses the NDA's Secretary-General as well as the heads of the various secretariats. The LC holds regular meetings - at least once every three months. Resolutions are taken by consensus and the consensus is considered valid if the objection does not exceed two members of the LC.
    3) The Executive Bureau (EB)
    The EB is composed of the Secretary-General together with the heads of the following secretariats:
    - Foreign Relations Secretariat.
    - Organization and Administration Secretariat.
    - Information Secretariat.
    - Humanitarian Affairs and Liberated Areas Secretariat.
    - Liaison Secretariat with inside Sudan.
    - Financial Secretariat.
    The EB is entrusted with carrying out the executive works and duties of the LC and its resolutions and recommendations. It holds, its meeting at least once a month. All its members should be fulltime devotees.
    Members of the Leadership Council (LC)
    1. Moulana Al-Sayed Mohammed Osman Al-Mirghani - President
    2. General Abd-Al-Rahman Saeed - Vice President
    3. Farouk Abou Issa - Assistant of the President for legal, constitutional and human rights affairs
    4. Dr. John Garang de Mebior - Representative of the Unified Military Command of the NDA
    5. Eltom Alshaiekh Musa Hago - Representative of the Democratic Unionist Party
    6. Dr. Mansour Khalid - Representative of the SPLM/SPLA
    7. Al-Tigani Al-Tayeb (acting on his behalf) Dr. Al-Shafee Khidr - Representative of the Sudanese Communist Party
    8. Al-Yaba James Sorour - Representative of the Union of Sudan African Parties (USAP)
    9. Brigadier Abd-Al-Aziz Khalid - Representative of Sudan Alliance Forces
    10. Omar Mohammed Tahir - Representative of the Beja Congress
    11. Ahmed Ibrahim Drieg - Representative of the Federal Democratic Alliance
    12. Azrag Zakaria (acting on his behalf) Mohammed Salim, Representative of the Sudanese National Party
    13. Mabrouk Mubarak Salim, Representative of the Free Lions Association
    14. Mohammed Seed Ahmed Atig, Representative of the Arab Baath Socialist Party
    15. Hashim Mohammed Ahmed - Representative of Trade Unions Federation
    16. Al-Shiek Sulaiman Ali Bitai - Representative of the Liberated Areas in eastern Sudan
    17. Sultan Dout Malwal Arop - Representative of the Liberated Areas in south Sudan
    18. Fagan Amom - Secretary-General of the NDA
    Members of the NDA Executive Bureau
    - Commander Fagan Amom - Secretary-General
    - Dr. Sharif Harir - Secretary of Organization and Administration
    - Dr. Barnaba Marial Benjamin - Secretary of Foreign Affairs
    - Hatim Elsir Ali - Secretary of Information, Spokesman.
    - Kamal Ismaeel - Secretary of Finance
    - Ismaeel Sulaiman - Secretary of Liaison with Inside Sudan
    - Abd-Allah Kunna - Secretary of Humanitarian Affairs and the Liberated areas

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