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Why is the "Paradigm Shift"?

04-08-2014, 03:35 PM
Moaiad Suleiman
<aMoaiad Suleiman
Registered: 04-08-2014
Total Posts: 1

Why is the "Paradigm Shift"?

    If we look at majour Events throughout human history more closely, we find that they have all been revolutionized and reshaped by a few great minds, in his 1962 book "The structure of scientific revolution" " Thomas Kuhn" had challenge the common understanding of normal scientific progress..Kuhn argued that during the main stream "Normal science" progression, revolutionary breakthroughs occure, these breakthroughs completey alter the path of scientific understanding of that particular area, he called them the paradigm shift. For example We can no longer dimiss the germ theory of desiese to posite the possibility that "miasma" or bad air causes desiese, not nececerily alienating the psychological factor which of course lie at the heart of medical research today. Kuhn argued that the accomulation of unfathomable anamolies result in a crisis leading to the majour shift that does not use the conventional wisdom or the universally common methodology to explain the anamolies, this new paradigm discard all the other paradoxal paradigms.

    since the 1960 the term has been use to describe non scientific changes in the fundemental undersanding of events. its been dipicted as the change in worldsview as a general.

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