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Articles and Views Who Really are the Israelite, Hebrew, Jews, and Palestinians؟ by Tarig Anter
Who Really are the Israelite, Hebrew, Jews, and Palestinians؟ by Tarig Anter
08-03-2017, 00:51 AM |
Tarig Anter
Tarig Anter
Registered: 03-24-2015
Total Posts: 797
Who Really are the Israelite, Hebrew, Jews, and Palestinians؟ by Tarig Anter
11:51 PM August, 03 2017 Sudanese Online Tarig Anter-الخرطوم-السودان My Library Short URL
Surely, understanding the Israeli-Arab co-called "Conflict" or drama cannot be more easier than with diagram.
There is no doubt that Hebrew Israelite is totally a different group from the relatively newer Jews. It is very important to draw clear distinctions between three different groups who are commonly regarded as one group.
First: The ancient Yemeni Arab Israelite “sons of Israel” those who took refuge in Ethiopia for 430 years staring with Patriarch Joseph then into the whole of Africa in 1876 BC. This Semitic group created wide spread Israelite slavery in all parts of Africa. These were Arab Yemeni Tribe.
Second: The ancient Yemeni Arab Israelite “sons of Israel” who renamed themselves to Hebrew. After the Israelite came back to Yemen from Ethiopia, via the Exodus in 1446 BC, they moved on to the north and invaded, colonized, and mixed with the Canaanites since 1406 BC. Later on, they were mostly deported to North Africa by the third group since the invention of Jews and Judaism, which created the Ten Lost Tribes. These are the Hebrews who are part from Israelite
And, the third group is the Turkic Mongolian “Jews” and followers of “Judaism” who were invented by Turkic Persia in 580 BC after a fraudulent Babylonian Return, replacing few hundreds of Hebrew Israelite captive rulers from the House of David by many hundreds of thousands of Turkic settlers. This created “The Jews” who invaded and colonized the Hebrew Israelite, the former invaders and colonizers of Canaan. These Jews deported most Israelite and Canaanite and brought in exchange the Palestinians from Crete and different Mediterranean regions.
According to the Hebrew Bible, the exact place of Moses' grave remains unknown, in order to impede idolatry. Moses died in Yemen; he never went any further, that is why no one will ever find his tomb.
In 1881, the French vice consulate in Yemen wrote to the leaders of the Alliance (the Alliance Israelite Universelle) in France, that he read in a book by the Arab historian Abu-Alfada that the Jews of Yemen settled in the area in 1451 BC. (45 years before the Israelites invaded Canaan only in 1406 BC. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemenite_Jews#Early_history
He called them Jews but this is wrong he should have said (Israelite) because the term Jews appeared after 530 BC only.
This article in slides in a video on YouTube
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