05-06-2014, 04:15 PM |
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85
Where is the Sudanese diplomacy from resolving disputes
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer The era of soft diplomacy has come to standstill, in that era very thing was underway in a low tone, but behind the curtains. Today, diplomacy has been transformed into decisive tool having sharp teeth and has become an instrument for remote-sensing, evaluation, estimation and instaneous response to every incident. We have witnessed the reactions of main capitals to distant occurrences, major political up-heavals, so they have a specific view, comment and decision towards events tantamount to every scenario and negotiations. Thus, each scenario has arrangements, positive or negative effects that shall be dealt with. Therefore, there is no room for spontaneity or coincidences. Negotiations over disputed area of South Kurdafan and Blue Nile were held between 23- 25- April, 2014 in Addis Ababa. These negotiations took a long time and exerted efforts with out strong justification. They were first and foremost political and went on between the Sudan Government delegates and the representatives of SPLM-North. It is imperative to ask this question: Where is the role of Sudanese diplomacy which is known for being competent and sagacious? Is it concerned with negotiations or simply alienated? The negotiations between the two delegates at logger head began with optimism an anticipation of halting hostility and allowing NGOs to convey food and medicines to the powerless and in secured areas of South Kurdafan and Blue Nile. But, to our dismay, ended in a dismal failure. It will be resumed from the scratch. Whether the dead lock was intended or not, undoubtedly, the government delegation was serious enough as it was headed by one of president acolytes. The awareness of the negotiation importance is expressed in the angry retort:” How could we enter negotiation without taking precautionary measure to deal with any emergent scenario from the delegates of SPLM-North who intentionally skipped the question of two areas (South Kurdafan and Blue Nile) to other issues. Didn’t the failure of April, 2014 negotiation round undermine the prestige of Sudanese diplomacy. Let me give you an example of Sudanese competent presence: ending the war between the Egyptian and Saudian troops in Yemen hills. The negotiation was led by the minster of foreign Affairs, Muhammad Ahmad Mahjoub and was based on important accounts and references. The first steps ushered to halting battles between the Egyptians, the Saudis and the regime in Yemen. Then, completing the reconciliation between the late president Jamal Abdelnasir , withdrawal of Egyptian troops, provision of ships for the pull out of Yemen to Egyptians and agreement on establishing State Assembly to replace the General Abdullah Silal who was persuaded to step down and to stay in Egypt as a host country. This was a conclusive evidence of the capability of Sudanese diplomats to attain positive results. The Sudanese mediation has terminated a a vicious war in Yemen hills where the Arab blood was futilely shed and then brought about a reconciliation between two important rulers of Arab world: Saudi and Egypt, hen convincing the president of Yemen to leave his country after abdicating his authorities , consultation with symbols and ######### of tribes in Yemen for a comprehensive national reconciliation and formation of Civil presidency Council , cabinet and parliament inclusive of Yemen important personalities. All that was accomplished with Sudanese Knowledge, expertise and good will and restored the severed relations between Egypt and Saudi to an optimal condition. As a result of Sudanese mediations, Yemen initiated a new stage of openness and prosperity. Can such a model be replicated by Sudanese diplomacy in our negotiations to break the dead and preventing our country from lagging behind? We hope so.