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Articles and ViewsWe can’t rely on Chinese for everything By: Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut
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We can’t rely on Chinese for everything By: Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut

09-26-2014, 10:50 PM
Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut
<aSirir Gabriel Yiei Rut
Registered: 08-05-2014
Total Posts: 42

We can’t rely on Chinese for everything By: Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut

    I find it incomprehensible that some of us are celebrating and boasting about the recent trip to China. The heap of papers that the President returned with, are not likely to convert into jobs for South Sudanese in the short term, nor will they result in better liquidity for the banking sector.
    This should be our priority.
    In my opinion, the role of the President is to protect the interests of South Sudanese who pay his salary and maintain his luxurious lifestyle and protection. His mandate is to do whatever is necessary to create jobs for South Sudanese and ensure that this economy grows and the country develops.
    On that score, he has dismally failed us.
    In the event that China proceeds to “loan” us the funds, it means that south Sudanese will be paying their taxes over the next 100 years to China.
    That is the legacy that Salva Kiir will leave us with. We will be feeding Chinese families while ours wallow in poverty, we will be creating jobs for them while our children must look for employment elsewhere, and we will provide business opportunities to their companies while our local companies are closing down. That is hardly something to celebrate!
    In my opinion, infrastructure development is very important, but not that urgent. What is urgent is for us to revive our local productive sector, cut imports and create jobs.
    My argument remains that infrastructure development is a result of economic growth and not the other way round.
    The economy does not grow simply because we have good roads. Of course, we need decent roads, but investment in roads must be as a result of a growing economy. Our focus must therefore be south Sudanese jobs first and that can only be achieved by attracting foreign direct investment into our industrial sector.
    I don’t know how many times I must say this: The revival of our agriculture sector remains the only trigger to sustainable economic revival. The benefits to the economy of a vibrant agricultural sector are numerous: Food security, employment creation, rehabilitation of agriculture-related infrastructure, industrial revival and poverty alleviation.
    All it will take for us to achieve this is the removal of conflict on land properties, conduct a thorough land audit and the issue of title deeds so that land can once more be a bankable asset.
    The resistance by SPLM -Juba to do the necessary is the fear of the exposure of the #####ng that went on and that the chefs may lose the multiple land assets which they stole.
    Unfortunately we are not going to see an economic revolution as purported and hoped for by some until we correct and rationalize land ownership in South Sudan.
    Having said the above, there is nothing wrong in principle in doing business with China, but we must ensure that it creates jobs for South Sudan and thereby increase our disposable incomes.
    The deals signed with China can only be viable through creation of employment so that the government can earn more taxes to service the loans. That creation of employment can only be achieved in the agricultural and productive sectors and not through building of roads or protecting oil fields.
    The sad reality is that no local companies are set to benefit from the Chinese deals. This government does not support local business and that is a historical problem.
    Instead we have the army partnering with the Chinese in all sectors and this has crowded out local businesses. We have a case of politicians who think they are businessmen and this continues to negatively impact on any potential economic recovery, particularly the emergence of a vibrant private sector.
    In the South Sudan we want to create, the private sector must play a more prominent role in business, State enterprises must be privatized and the role of government will only be to create a conducive environment for business and entrepreneurs to flourish.
    There should be no conflict of interest for government officials as is the case now. Government must stick to its core business, which is to facilitate economic growth and development while providing basic social services.
    It is interesting to note that the President only now speaks about how his ministers bungle and delay government projects which has cost the country dearly. This is hardly a revelation and has been the case since 2007-2011.
    You will find out that these delays are mainly caused because of the patronage system which Salva Kiir Mayardit has created over the years. Most of the delays are caused by disputes on who gets what from which deals. Government projects are a cesspit of greed, corruption and non-accountability. Nothing is about to change.
    Our fundamental problem remains the fact that the SPLM – Juba Faction value system is just too rotten for any meaningful economic revival to come from its policies. A change in leadership and the resignation of President Salva Kiir are our only hope to rebuild a new Federal state call South Sudan for the benefit of all.
    I therefore predict that nothing substantial will come out of the recently announced Chinese deals. We are going to see things worsen in the next coming years because SPLM- Juba has no solution and continues to deny the reality that their time has come and gone; South Sudan needs fundamental political renewal first before we can create sustainable economic recovery.
    China will not feed us.
    Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut SPLMYL Acting Chairperson in Egypt get him at mailto:[email protected]@gmail.com

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