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War by proxy led by Egypt and Eritrea to compromise the national security of Sudan and overthrow Kh

01-16-2018, 05:00 PM
خالد حسن سملتود
<aخالد حسن سملتود
Registered: 12-09-2013
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War by proxy led by Egypt and Eritrea to compromise the national security of Sudan and overthrow Kh

    05:00 PM January, 16 2018

    Sudanese Online
    خالد حسن سملتود-الخرطوم-السودان
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    War by proxy between Egypt and Eritrea to compromise the national security of Sudan and overthrow Khartoum regime!
    Khalid Hassan Samiltoud
    The last couples of days in the Sudanese history witnessed a very harsh rhetorical speech and the exchange of indecent expressions and insults between the Sudanese people and the Pro Egyptian negative media supporters in the Media outlets and notably the cyber social media, however the fierce media attacks were extremely touch in the aftermath of Turkish Erdogan visit to Sudan and the subsequent Sudanese decision to handover the Sudanese semi-Island “Sawakin” to be under the control of Turkey as per numerous mutual agreements signed by the two parties I Khartoum. These agreements and the ensuing implications resulted from this visit had infuriated the Egypt and the Egyptian Media unleashed very negatives campaigns to criticize the Sudanese-Turkish agreements arguing that these suspicious agreements would condone the old Ottoman empire and consolidate its existence once again, which could compromise the national security of Egypt and garner the terror militants and other elements affiliated to Muslim Brotherhood in a close collaboration with Qatar and Iran. These weird allegations by Egypt are well reflected in its political engagement with Turkey and the latest visit by the Egyptian president Assisi to Cyprus and Greece in retaliation against Erdogan as a tit-for tat. The Egyptian regime thinks that this suspicious rapprochement between Sudanese government and the Turkish Erdogan and the subsequent alliance between the two parties remain inimical to the entire national security of Egypt and the regional security as well, because the Sawakin could become a safe haven for the pro-Iranian terrorists which would subsequently threaten the Egyptian national security!
    However, since the Sudanese-Turkish rapprochement is solely dedicated to upgrade and reconstruct Sawkin Island to be revived again and becomes a real impetus to the Sudanese Economy, still the Egyptian side insists that this weird relation with Turkey would never be beneficial to the national and regional security,though Egypt itself is supporting and harboring anti-Sudanese government rebels and revolutionists. The Egyptian government thinks that the Sudanese regime should take permission from them before it thinks to initiate any grand project inside the Sudanese soil!! This idea is foolish and doesn’t make any sense, since Sawakin is Sudanese city located off the red sea and the Sudanese government is free to take its unilateral action and select its friends from enemies.
    There 100% confirmation that the Egyptian regime is fully supporting the Sudanese opposition militants in Eritrea and Cairo-based revolutionists to unleash a very hostile campaign to overthrow the regime of Omar Al-Bashir in Khartoum due to its friendly position and sympathetic stand with the Muslim Brotherhood! Whether these allegations are true or baseless the Egyptian regime is seeking to mobilize its entire potentials to change the Khartoum regime through pursuing a very detrimental and inimical war by proxy and forge close alliance with Eritrea and Ethiopian opposition fighters, as well as the Sudanese rebels to form unified entity to threaten and compromise the Sudanese national security and consequently depose the regime of Khartoum!
    There’re numerous media reports which confirmed the suspicious and secret meetings between elements from the Egyptian Intelligence agencies and the Sudanese rebels in Eritrea to coordinate a robust campaign to attack Sudanese and Khartoum. These Egyptian actions and its operation behind the scene lay bare the extreme underlying animosity against Sudan despite the latest statements of the Egyptian president Assisi in which he confirmed that his country will neither launch a war against Sudan, nor with any country, but remains peaceful in pursuing the construction projects. He also exhorted the Egyptian Media outlets to desist from insulting or negatively handling the Sudanese issues!
    The Sudanese Popular party in Khartoum overtly confirmed that there Egyptian and Eritrean forces which currently operating inside Eritrean Sawa region amid a military deployments and the latest Sudanese government action to send more military reinforcements to Kassal and the Sudanese eastern borders, including large numbers of Sudanese rapid support forces. These military deployments and the reciprocal accusations between Egypt and Sudan prompted Assisi to exit from his silence and confirm that his country will never enter into war with Sudan or Ethiopia. The Egyptian regime is fully aware that the elimination of Sudanese regime would safeguard the national security of Egypt since Khartoum is a regime that derives its ideologies from Muslim Brotherhood!
    To sum up, the latest statements of the Egyptian president Assisi would never defuse the diplomatic tensions, but otherwise ferment the situation. The eastern borders with Eritrea would potentially become the hostile operations to unleash inimical attacks against Khartoum since there are close alliances between the Egyptian Intelligence and the Eritrean elements.

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