09-07-2015, 00:47 AM |
Al-Hadi M. Margan
Al-Hadi M. Margan
Registered: 05-18-2014
Total Posts: 15
Waleed al-Hussein al-Dood...Message to all Sudanese in the United States
01:47 AM Sep, 07 2015 Sudanese Online Al-Hadi M. Margan- My Library at SudaneseOnline

We as the Sudanese activists in North Carolina urge the government of Saudi Arabia to release the Sudanese journalist who is currently facing deportation to Sudan to face unjust treatment. The Sudanese government wants to make an example of Waleed al-Hussein al-Dood because he exercises the right of speech, which is a violation of human rights. We are asking all of the Sudanese activists in the United States to stand up for this man and his family. He has not done anything to the government of Saudi Arabia to deserve the wrath of the Sudanese government.
This man in the eyes of the Sudanese people is a hero, and has courageously spoken his mind and has established websites to let the people of Sudan voice their own opinions. The government of Saudi Arabia must realize any harm that comes to the way of this man is in their hands. As an activist, I encourage all of the Sudanese in the state of the United States to speak out about this man, and the injustice that has been brought upon him, as well as his family. He is an innocent and honest journalist, trying to promote democracy in Sudan. Al-Hadi Margan
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