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09-01-2013, 06:46 PM
بكرى ابوبكر
<aبكرى ابوبكر
Registered: 02-04-2002
Total Posts: 18818


    By: Weirial Gatyiel Puok Baluang
    Comrade James wani igga is a peace loving south Sudanese leader and a man of all the time as well as entertainment, therefore, he deserve to be given the position of the vice presidency “2nd person in the country” base on his seniority in the government as well as the ruling Sudan people liberation movement {SPLM} he was the man who was a great leader of the parliament and he has done lots. He has shown us his leadership since when he joined the SPLA and he was elected as the speaker of the Parliament because of his loyalty to the President. But the question goes like this “WILL HE (IGGA) FOLLOW THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE FORMER VP DR RIEK MACHAR TENY? The answer according to me is simply NO because Igga is very expert in compromising the wrong doers of the government that negatively affect the innocent citizen unlike Dr Riek Machar who reached to the extent of losing his post for the sake of the people of south Sudan. It is quite true that comrade Igga may run out from the truth but Dr Riek has never and will never run out of the truth as happened when he was democratically criticizing the Government without fear of losing his very important post.
    Dr Riek credited himself with many positive attitudes especially during his eight years term as the vice president of the autonomous government of southern Sudan and the then Republic of South Sudan under H.E president Kiir Mayardit. Dr Machar is known all over the world for being a charismatic leader especially in mediating peace between many African governments. Furthermore, Dr Macahar is known for his bravery this happened when he matched to Heglig [panthoari] last year of 2012 together with the mighty Strong SPLA. It was a first time in Africa and the world for a vice president to go to the frontline where Gunships and antinovel s are randomly throwing bombs unto the people on the ground as did by our former vice president. I do not think that the new vice president of South Sudan H.E James Wani Igga will follow the footsteps of the former vice president Machar.Igga may follow the footsteps of Dr Machar in term of smiling since smiling is as simple as taking the cup of milk. H.E Igga will do nothing to Abyei issue, current insecurity in Juba city which take the life of at least 5 innocent people per a night, and the current conflict of Jonglei where Dr Machar used to go to the field and address the entire rural people of south Sudan physically. It is quite clear that in every country a vice president has a certain constitutional mandate where he own them democratically, but many people across the country have been making argument since the appointment of the respective vice president Igga on the national issues where he is believed to have no positive comment due to the fact that the president would understand him negatively and to the extent of relieving him from the vice presidency.
    It would be an awful if the new vice president would keep on commenting with YES even if the agenda may affect the south Sudanese people from different walks of life negatively because it has been said that two ######### are better than one. Many people also describe comrade Wani as a week man who has no qualification to get him elected into that fantastic position the 2nd powerful position in the country, but his loyalty to the president and not to the country make him to get that post. Being loyal to the president is good but not enough; for it is enough a successful leader may both be loyal to the president as well as the country. I am saying this because all the south Sudanese leaders will run out of the leadership while south Sudan will keep on remaining there forever to the generation of our line ages to come. Therefore, we need not to remain committed on the personalities of the leaders but to remain committed on our esteemed mama land SOUTH SUDAN.
    The author {Weirial}| is not aware of the appointment of VP Comrade wani Igga as for Development or the 2015 elections so as to get rid of the Equatorians?
    If Igga was appointed for the sake of Development than he [Igga] will do less in term of development. Many hard working Equatorian are there in the ground, for instance the current deputy governor of CES Mr. Manaseh Lomole, Bakosoro of Western equatoria state as well as Lado Gorey .But if he was appointed for the sake of 2015 campaign than He is not mostly liked by the equatorian , there is most wanted equatorian that can bring the whole of equatorian so as to vote for a one pointed candidate, the wanted leaders by the equatorian are Lado Gorrey, Bakasoro and the current editor in chief of the Juba Monitor Mr. Alfred Taban, to mention but the few most wanted leaders unlike VP Igga. Igga is as most unwanted as the Eastern Equatoria Governor Luis Lojore according to the ground. I am a friend to many Eastern Equatorian Youths and they told me that Lojore cannot win any single Payam again in the upcoming Elections of 2015 that was the reason to claim supporting president to the extent of criticizing his south Sudanese colleagues negatively. This happen during the time Dr Machar was relieved in presidential decree by our president Kiir on 23rd of July 2013 when He EES governor, WBS governor and the NBGS governor sent the kids of their respective states on the streets to show the signs of sadness for the removal of vice president Machar, therefore it was their Strategy so as the president gains their confidence since they lack no supporters on the ground. They would survive on the power through the Decrees by the president but they would not survive on the elections. VP wani cannot be compared with these three governors because he has a bit supporters and he love south Sudan so much as the patriotic Governors of Western Equatoria, Upper nile, Unity, Warrap and Central Equatoria. It is a shame to be committed supporting a certain leaders more than a country just for the sake of everlasting post. The most important is your CV and not the Wages or whatever those unpatriotic leaders are practicing.
    In conclusion
    If VP Igga is brought for the sake of the forth coming 2015 elections than President Kiir [independent], Dr Riek[ SPLM ticket] and the opposition parties will get 30%, 40% and 30% of the equatorian respectively. While the three candidates will get 5%, 90% 5% Respectively in Greater Upper Nile States. Meanwhile they will get 40%, 40%, and 20% respectively in Greater Bhar elgazal States. Therefore the owner of 40% in Greater Equatoria and 90% in Greater Upper Nile and 40% in Greater Bhar elgazal will be declare as the winner of the National elections of 2015 peacefully with the recognition of the Rests. Than from there the Government will be Transparent, free and fair base on the Democratic systems.
    I am expecting a peaceful life to the south Sudanese throughout the life. The author would like to appeal to the south Sudanese citizens that people must not follow the failed politicians based on Tribe.
    Weirial Gatyiel is a concerned citizen of south Sudan, and he can be reach on [email protected] or 0956992323

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