The implications of UNSC No. 2265 on Darfur by Izzadine Noul Arbab
11:56 PM May, 19 2016 Sudanese Online Izzadine Abdul Rasoul- My Library Short URL Across the contemporary black history after the destruction of African civilization; we black people are very well known for being naives and victims of our innocence. This phenomenon did not come out of the vacuum but it was made up to keep us suppressed. Whereby; we reached stages that we lost our values and self confidence. Although we become to believe that there is nothing good could come to us through another black person. However; there was a time where there was no black man or woman who could quote any black man or a woman even today is so rampant in the continent of Africa where black consciousness is so low. The same case applies in Sudan among indigenous African groups in Sudan who lost self confidence and believe any idea without being indorsed by Arabs in Sudan is no good idea or useless. What I write does not necessarily mean that I am propagating or disseminating hate red but I just have courage to reflect the sad low situation of black people in Africa as well as around the globe but my idea is to let us over stand the global system that fights to keep us in such situations. It was in 2002 the conflict in Darfur emerged where estimated of 3500 people were killed, raped and 2 millions either internally displaced or became refugees by Sudan government Arab militias known as Janjaweeds. In 2004 conflict reached its climax where United Nations Security Council passed bunch of resolutions; the important among them were the following: 1. The UNSC named the killings and other atrocities in Darfur as genocide. 2. The UNSC passed resolution to deploy African Union peacekeeping forces in Darfur then changed to blue helmets. 3. In 2009 the President of the Republic of Sudan was indicted by the International Criminal Court for committing genocide on the people of Darfur. The permanent members of the United Nations Security Council who are all non Africans and they are in charge of the all security of the world by way or another have never cut their relations with the genocide government where they have accused the head of the system of committing genocide against people of Darfur. China gets oil and sell weapons to Khartoum, Russia sell weapons too, United States exchange information of the terrorist with Khartoum government who is in itself a terrorist against its own people, France digs gold in Sudan and Britain who Sudan ruling elites are their breeds for decades in post colonial Sudan that serve the interests of the former colonial masters. Beside the various atrocities in Darfur which are still continuous up to date and according to the information release by Sudan Liberation Movement Army headed by Abdul Wahid Ahmed AlMour on First of May 2016; the numbers of the people killed in Darfur since 2002 up to 2016 reached 65o,000 and four millions displaced. However; the war in Sudan has not stopped in Darfur but the Islamist government in Khartoum extended their crimes to include Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile where thousands were killed and millions displaced in the neighboring countries. After all these crimes President Bashir could travel anywhere without question despite all these five Security Council members have a technology where they can see a person in his room whether reading books, sleeping with his wife or someone else wife; suffice with condemnations on strongest terms. On the other hand former President of Libya Muammar Gaddfi who according to Reuters news killed 52 person when he was killed by NATO in 20th October 2011, also the former President of former French colony Ivory Cost President Laurent Gbagbo was arrested in April 2011 and sent to ICC., meanwhile the real criminal Omer AlBashir and his cliques are freely hovering the world of the United Nations Security Council. In one year Sudan President Al Bashir toured not less than ten countries through formal invitations that included China, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and South Africa and nothing happened! Hence I was not surprised to read some Africans disagree with ICC and United Nations and call upon the Africans to pull out of even United Nations General Assembly and create our own. The world of today that we live is of interests and the black people in Africa and in Sudan who are brutally killed by the enemy either because of their colors or purposes of stealing them; should know that we have no friends in this world, therefore; we must depend on ourselves to survive by any means necessary. The Chapter 7 of UNSC resolutions 2265 should not excite us; because the same people who have interests with Khartoum Government are the same people who passed this resolution. My over stand to this resolution is to cow President Omer Al Bashir to give more concessions; for white mailing purposes. If we take wrong road to our village any other village pass by would be wrong villages. Izzadine Noul Arbab [email protected]
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