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Articles and ViewsThe dissimilarity between proposed 21 federal states of I.O and Newly 28 States decree of governmen
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The dissimilarity between proposed 21 federal states of I.O and Newly 28 States decree of governmen

06-04-2016, 11:16 PM
Michael Tap
<aMichael Tap
Registered: 06-04-2016
Total Posts: 1

The dissimilarity between proposed 21 federal states of I.O and Newly 28 States decree of governmen

    10:16 PM June, 05 2016

    Sudanese Online
    Michael Tap-Arab Republic of Egypt
    My Library
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    By Tap Tap Gatluak thon

    It seems many south Sudanese citizens worldwide misunderstand the different between 21 federal proposed states by the SPLM I.O and the newly 28 states decree of Kiir. Some deeper in opinions, other are saying that both of them are federal and the other said that they are not one. My dear fellow citizens of beloved nation of south Sudanese you distinguish between will benefit and what will not benefit.
    "You cannot own a house where you don't have its full responsibilities ".
    The proposed twenty one federal states are the one that will meet your aspiration, compared to 28 states of the centralized system of governance. Federalism entails political power being exercised by both national and sub-national government.
    Sub-national governments are subject to considerable variation. A key distinction concerns the autonomy that such units enjoy.
    In federal states such as Germany, Australia or America, power is divided between national [or federal} government and the constituent units of government. The division of responsibilities is provided for in single source, usually a written constitution, which allocates specific functions to each sphere of government. Each enjoys autonomy in its own area of jurisdiction, which means that one may not intrude into the operations of the other.
    The proposed twenty one federal states by the SPLM I.O are not just being proposed without identifying its inimical and positive , the fact is that they are based on the former districts of southern provinces of the Anglo- Egyptian colonial Rule in Sudan in the year 1899- 1956 with the clear identical boundaries .
    "Base on No 3.1 of the Manifesto of SPLM/ A I.O system of federalism. The federal system of governance is the best way of sharing political power and wealth in our country. Therefore in order to achieve social, political and economic transformation, full implementation of federalism is critical, especially the devolution of resources to the lower levels of governments. This shall ensure that the distribution of income in the economy leaves purchasing power in the hands of the common man / woman and at the same time enable even distribution of economic development and national income among persons , group of persons and regions to avoid creation or emergence of separate development and concentration of wealth in the hands of a few or in particular regions. Establishment of federalism as the system of governance shall be:
    1- Empower the national, state and local levels of government to have their own executive, legislature and judicial organs.
    2- Empower the states and local government to have their own local forces { police, correctional service , wildlife and Civil Defense } and deliver basic services in education , health, communication, infrastructure services, etc;
    3- Empower the states and local governments, through devolution of powers to , exercise concurrent powers in developing natural resources such as mining , energy, oil and gas , agriculture , forestry, animal resources , fisheries and public utilities ."

    -the newly 28 states decree of president kiir are not a federal; let you not be blind- fool that they are federal states that will bring a services close to the people, contrary they can bring a conflict closely to the people because majority of those states they are without identifying boundaries which will cause almost a permanent conflict among different ethnic of our people.
    They are the states that will not meet the aspiration of south Sudanese because they were divided according to the ethnicity.
    . the central government fail to provide an adequate services to ten states and also fail to lay the development infrastructure across country , what do you think of twenty eight states؟, Will they strived for their own development without central government mean while its being drive by the national government ؟ And what about states that lack a resources؟
    - dear citizens put in mind that in our country the services are administered by full-time officers who may put their professional interests above the requirements of those they views as their 'clients' and also in our country , the political power is centralized within a local authority so that power is wielded by a handful of people.
    This has the effect of making the local government seem remote and an approachable to ordinary people.
    To confront and address theses expostulation that are beyond our control we need a new political ideology specially we the civilians and organization to usher in a socio-economic paradigm shift capable of rendering rapid development through competitiveness in the production of social goods and knowledge.
    Because the lack of unification in political ideology and insufficient organizational capacity compound is the one that is encountered our entire nation with incompetent Rule.

    Inclusion my fellow citizens let us call on self-reliance and economic self-sufficiency and balance of rural development and not to advocate the iron-triangle couple which inherited negative effects of colonial legacy and bears the relics of centuries of socio-economic and cultural underdevelopment manifested in abject poverty, ignorance and propensity to ethnic and regional autochthonism as survival instincts.

    The author is concern south Sudanese citizen residing in the Arab Republic of Egypt and can be reach at g mail: [email protected]

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