06-13-2014, 07:15 PM |
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85
The commissioner of Central Gedaref pledges to expand health services by Abdulaziz Ali Omer
Abdulaziz Ali Omer Al-shiekh Ali Aldao , the commissioner of Central Gedaref locality said that he would spare no effort to extend medical services through out his locality in co-ordination with relevant bodies.In his meeting with the delegation of Italian Aid attended by Eibeid Hajj Rafas , both the chairman of legislative Council and executitive director of Central Gedaref locality discussed the optimal ways for implementing Primary Health Units (PHUs) in Killo sitta , Gadambaleia and Um shajara. The Italian Develeopment Co-operation projcet is funded by European Union and inovlves many of health buildings in Gedaref State. Mr. Yassir Osman , an official from Central Gedaref locality responsible for supervising the EU.Italian project expalined that the work gets underway in the few forhtcoming days. On other hand, in Gadeima High school , the admission of novice students who passed the exam of basic stage has initiated . Hassab Allah Tayeb , Minstry of Education Director-General affirmed that the process of students intake has been done according to the pursued criteria and regulations.He pointed out that the ministry has allocated a chance to evry student despite the indiation that the degree of success has been elevated mounting to over 4,000 students. Meanwhile, Gedaref State ministry of Social Welfare has concluded its workshop for empowering women with disabilities . It is worthnoting that the workshop was attended by Disabled Union, representatives of Civil Society and handicapped to be acquainted with International Convention concerning the rights of disabled through 2009 Sudan’s legislation. Muhammad Abdelatif Al-sunni, the minister of Social Welfare reiterated his concern with this cross-section of human community so as to enjoy like others a descent life. On her part, Hajjir Muhammad Al-tahir,the representative of hearing-impaired within the Disabled Association showed her happiness stemming from the work that via participants and the local media enlightened the society on the rights of disabled .