02-27-2017, 04:07 AM |
سعيد محمد عدنان
سعيد محمد عدنان
Registered: 02-28-2014
Total Posts: 227
The Repercussions of America’s Absenteeism off World Arena The New World Order by Saeed M. Adnan
03:07 AM February, 27 2017 Sudanese Online سعيد محمد عدنان- My Library Short URL London – UK
Many of the world stage spectators are astray in the ravines of the dying World Order in their readings of the ensuing repercussions of the American present issue, some completely amiss as usual in the analysis of the political map underneath their microscope of scandalous novelties or old prejudices, or simmering injustices, which is in display in its space or modelling its media. But by establishing certain milestones the vision and the compass would be clear at the same time: The picture forthcoming is beginning to depict a likeness of America skewing towards its prior seclusionism, after re-evaluating its causative reasons of abandoning it early last century in her wars with Japan and Germany – particularly in the wake of the Pearl Harbour attack that drew her into World War 2, invoking by it a dissolution of the Japanese Army striking ability and Germany’s commitment to military annulment; and that is by remoulding an American Japanese alliance helping Japan to protect America, in her isolation, from the west (and that is by virtue of the existing tension with China and North Korea and in the threats and strategies developing in the South China Sea) to build its Japan’s army and let her have the nuclear bomb, all in return. We see now a president elect hosting an odd sudden visit of Japan premier to America, not to visit its president in office, who’s presently Barack Obama, as the protocol goes – slighting the etiquette of engaging with other State departments, and the security clearance mandates, and in a visit where such a serious decision was scheduled. That is also why we see him welcoming the Alt Right groups in Europe who are abstracting his allies’ attention off Russia, by welcoming Nigel Farage who represented it in the U.K. and who kindled its fires in Europe; and welcomed the advancement of Marin le Pen in France towards her most likely to be the next President of France. Conversely, he ignored the U.K. as it fights the Alt Right activities and where the liberal thought prevails. He aims to leave the battle engage the people of Europe, of those youth disenchantments with the thriving ethnic discriminations and rife unemployment, and of the embezzlement of the national wealth by the international corporations, most of which transfused into religious extremism, in a bid to settle scores through civil wars. In America, he faces his own civil wars of identity, and he hopes this way a medicine may show up in a new world for a reformed identity and a World Piece, away from the Geographic expansionism of the Empirical era, yet away from a complete globalization that would smudges the nationalistic heritages. And as most of the Republican party membership is from those who fit that passion, this makes that coup d’état movement their message and aspiration; and for the old Republican party, it has no choice than to condescend to consider remoulding of the party’s manifesto in the new pattern drawn by its majority, and accepting that the past war with Trump was defunct, from which reconciliation can ensue. So, the attack of Trump on Dick Cheney that his war service did not tag him as a war hero, but a prisoner of war, is that there was no heroism anyway as the war was not fought for a national benefit (by testimony of supporters of his new party), but he was a sufferer for his nation, and that is how reconciliation with Trump was palatable to stage. As to the exchange of bad mouth with Mitt Romney, it is rebuffed as “past ignorance era”, and now Romney is hopeful of holding the position of a Secretary of State, and so forth. In America’s isolationism, there will necessarily be a withdrawal from activity in its NATU pact, which will clear out the arena for Russia, who is also European, to remedy its fall outs with other European family members and forge friendlier agreements and alliances, and free herself to the dangers looming from the thriving Religious terrorism and zealotry, and the encroaching Chinese trade predominance on Europe and America. America opted off spending on NATU, on grounds it is a European interest, even though she knew it had been financing it as an advanced defence stage in Europe for America, and so it is of no use to her when it reconciles with Russia. Yet I do not believe the man meant what he said by building a wall to close off Mexico, and which he did not persist on immediately after winning, but he warned and threatened he would deport 3 million illegal and criminal immigrants. I would expect he would strike a deal with Mexico for a friendly constructive neighbourhood, in which he may help Mexico’s economic revival, which requires her to be cooperative and accepting of an American order, which will root out of it the rogue business of cultivating and trafficking drugs. He can even make from Latin Central America a southern barrier for America after he secured it from the west with Japan, and with Russia protecting its eastern border and Alaska. First: The man behind the regular coup d’état: – we need to perceive what the co-ordinates are of Trump’s character: he is a non-politician and knows nothing of philosophies or strategies of politics. He is from a Scottish descent, i.e., he is saturated with social justice and a distaste for the Royalty, and lost no love with the European Royalties either, a taste steeped into most of the Europeans pilgrims to the New Lands escaping from the long hand of the European Kingdoms, and his wife and his children from her are of Slovakian Europe biased against by the Alt Right of Europe and the West in general. He is a cruel business man and was one of the establishers of the landlordship capitalism and the exclusion of the state finance in America. He supported the banks in their refraining from financing the Municipality of New York in their power struggle, via buying cheap its landmark dilapidated buildings in the city’s encompassing ordeal, financed by the banks (thus creating business for the banks), and with which the banks regained power of constructing the city. He then deceived the banks with the first and largest bankruptcy claim befitting a Mafia. Second: America’s natural strategy: – following what I wrote in my earlier essay in this paper, dated 14th of November under the heading “Is it a New World Order Travail؟”, America was outside the world map in a voluntary isolation, away from Europe problems, and in the protection of the Great Ocean seclusion, enjoying a slow growth, but a stable one, with a settled societal and family life in a strong religious shell, non-intrusive, until recently enough when Japan provoked that then followed by Germany and Italy in the attach of the first in Pearl Harbour in 1941, which dispersed all of the seclusiveness piece canopied by the Ocean. Thus, America was in the political game to lead and master it by virtue of its military and economical might, and established the United Nations in place of the League of Nations to secure the grip of the Allied Forces on establishing the World Order, and under her leadership. Third: Muscling in the World Economical and Ideological scuffles: – the world state then was of one that just parted from the stage of dismantling Empires and attempts to defuse old blood and inherent grudges from the religious scuffles precipitate, the most lethal being the one between the predecessors from the Omayyad’s and the Abbasids’, between the Muslims and the Jews, between the Catholics and Protestants then between Capitalism and Communism, which went ablaze between Anti-Religion Russia and the Petroleum Rich Omayyad nations flavoured with Capitalistic Europe (and which had just moderated from total Feudalism). The ongoing scuffles intertwined with unrest and with displacements caused by the breach of freedoms, and from bitter precipitates from embezzlement and kleptocracy, through reasons, too, either emanating from religious scuffles or old blood wars, intertwining with the deterioration of the state of the planet, where all led to the weakening of the bond of the New World Order towards peace and prosperity. Forth: The Russian Strategy Catalyst: – what Trump did in turning over the conjuncture of America, and that for the world for sure, was not definitely out of a political or philosophical talent; for we know it was not a kind of wakeup or revolution from the womb of his Republican Party, or from any known political or ideological group, despite it being nourished by the will of an American people, and glowing its flame in their wills. Yet I find me more inclined to give its virtue to the Russian Strategy, which, it too, was close enough to him from his friendly relationship with, and later admiration of, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and who certainly counted on an election of a politically inexperienced establishment-free president adored by the People on his declared accusation of the Media’s power over moulding the Politics of the nation and fakely shape the will of the people, inferring its truth from the success of the success of the case sample of Ronald Regan in winning the presidency twice while he held no qualifications other than the people’s admiration to him in film making: a wealth for him from the industrious white natives of the prairies and the stretches and from the nationalism that boil in their cauldrons. Fifth: The Religious Zeal: – and we should not forget Sayed Qutb, Muslim Brother scholar from Egypt, and what impressions he had of America during his scholarship there in Nasser’s early days of ruling, and how he returned disenchanted with the media dominance in submersing the nation in pure indulgence away from political reform eagerness. Such put him in confrontation with president Nasser, and it became a game changer for him towards a political/ religious reform path; thus was the breaking off from the mainstream Muslim Brotherhood charity organisation (under the Guardianship of “Sheikh Al Hudeibi” to establish his revolutionary organisation (the Qutbian flank),. And we should not forget that at the same time gap, Republican Donald Rumsfeld, the religious extremist and the ex-Minister of Defence in a Bush’s administration guided by an Evangelical religious motion. Al Zawahiri – Qutb’s Deputy – was then the deputy to Osama Ben Laden and was fought by the duo of Bush and Rumsfeld: history emanating itself. And to the political observer, there is a latent bitter war fought in proxy, all of which are extremist political religious wars: the Neo Evangelical in America, the Zionist Jewish movement in Israel and the political Islamic Jihadism spawning in the Petroleum producer nations. All that makes the common factor between America and Russia is to protect against the invasion of the Religious Political extremism, which is the Islamic extremism, as the Christian extremism would not affect Russia nor would the Zionist extremism, while the Evangelical Extremism interact in synchrony with the Zionist one, given the conviction of the former being a vitality of the final Triumph of the latter before Jesus will descend back to earth. And in the Seal of sticking to the attrition wars of old blood and racial feuds, most of the efforts needed in to maintain a complete abolishment of slavery and its harmful toxins precipitated in the form of racial discrimination, an oppression against the female population, a destruction of the planet ecology, or an abandonment of millions of mankind in distress, marginalisation and poverty. All of which started needing an Enlightenment era to reform and help build the New World Order from inside, not work to demolish it from the outside. And the causational conflict between the two is World Economic Dominance
This essay is an English script of the one in Arabic published here on 20th of November 2016
أبرز عناوين سودانيز اون لاين صباح اليوم الموافق 26 فبراير 2017
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الجلاد للضحية: أنت متهم بتهديد أمني و سلامتي!! بقلم أمين محمَد إبراهيمالحركة الشعبية : الأفعال تفضح الأقوال بقلم د . الصادق محمد سلمان تجنيد الفتيات فى أرتريا ...!! بقلم محمد رمضان كاتب أرترىالاقتصاد العالمي في مشهد متحول المخاطر والسياسات المطلوبة بقلم د. حيدر حسين آل طعمة(ما أسوأ أن تكون شعباً) بقلم عثمان ميرغنيعوالم ابن يرجوخ! بقلم عبد الله الشيخحوار (سيد) صلاح وضياء بقلم كمال الهِدييا سودانى المهجر انتبهوا لمن حملوا الجمر بايديهم بقلم سعيد شاهين كيف يعمل الجهاز السري لحماية النائب الأول بكري حسن صالح بقلم جمال السراجلن يكون هناك دولة فلسطينيّة تحت سمع نتنياهو وبصره بقلم ألون بن مئيرتشكلات الغرب ومحاولات الهيمنة التاريخية الحديثة علم بقلم حكمت البخاتيألا فلتوقف (مهازل) الكلام في الدين بغير علم بقلم د. عارف الركابي الاعلام الرسمي .. و الخراب بقلم إسحق فضل الله رفقاً بالتلاميذ يا حكومة..!! بقلم عبدالباقي الظافرملعون أبوها!! بقلم صلاح الدين عووضةالتعديلات الدستورية وحرية الاعتقاد بقلم الطيب مصطفىمن حديقة الزوادة وحتى القاليري: الهدم!! بقلم حيدر احمد خيراللهليس في جبال النوبة بحروالأسماك لا تسبح في البر كمرد ياسر بقلم محمود جوداتبس يا سرطان في الداخل والخارج بقلم بدرالدين حسن علي يا مياده لن يضيع جميلا أينما زرعا نعم طمر فيهم يا ميادة اذا اكرمت الكريم ملكته بقلم عبير سويكتالموت على الطريقة اليمنية بقلم بدرالدين حسن علي حروبُ الرسائلِ والمبادرات بين السيد الصادق المهدي والدكتور جون قرنق 1 - 3 بقلم د. سلمان محمد أحمد سقال الخدمة المدنية في أحسن حال.. قال! بقلم عثمان محمد حسنمواهب إستثنائية .. !! بقلم هيثم الفضليا أيها الدواعش للتأويل وجهان : وجه للتنزيه و آخر لدفع التجسيم بقلم حسن حمزةالتيمية يعتقدون بالجسمية والتشبيه ويلقون بالشبهة على الجهمية..!! بقلم معتضد الزاملي
المنبر العام
إلى رئيس محلية أمدرمان - دي بانت شرق إن كنت تعلمالإرهاب- بقلم شمائل النور قرار بوقف خطيبي مسجد الخرطوم الكبير من الخطابة كيف نصب الفريق طه عثمان الحسين سلفه الفريق هاشم عثمان الحسين وزيراً للداخلية ؟ +=-الافراج عن الصحفى التشيكى المدان بالسجن “مدى الحياة” بقرار من البشيرالقبض على إمام مسجد بتهمة الاعتداء الجنسي على طفلمحمود محمد طه !!! ناقلا لفكرة الصوفي عبد الكريم الجيلي !!! تلميذ بن عربي !!! المرتد !!!عنوان مكتبتي في سودانيز اونلاين, ردود متأخّرة وأشياء أخرى مفيدة ...قرأت لكمتعالوا نعيد البسمة للأخت اٍيثار .... ونتخذ موقفنا ردا عمليا علي مناهضة وكشف الظلم المصدر : http://http://تحطيم مركز "عزيز جالاري" للفنون -خلف الله عبودضرورة تنحى سلفاكير ورياك مشار باعتبارهم سبب الأزمة الحالية بجنوب السودان جنوب السودان...برافو "سلفاكير" وزمرته..يا جماعة بعد ماسورتي بتاعة الحذف .. عندي اقتراحالمشهد الحزين لموت البطل addie Guerrero علي الحلبة الرئيس يستقبل مجموعة من رجال الأعمال الأميركيين فى بيت الضيافةالطيب مصطفى مع "حرية الإعتقاد" ولكنه يخاف الأستاذ محمود محمد طه!!!! عجبيالامام الصادق نجم ليلة شارلس بونية بالسودانية 24 عن الكوشيين.تخيلوا كيف يكون إحساس إنسان ارتبط ببلدٍ أربعين عاما ثم يغادرها مجبرا!ترانيم المعبد .. " قصة "الاندلس مربع 11 - الخرطومعذابُ الجِهاتِصديقي الموسيقار العالمي نصير شمة وآخرين سفراء لليونيسكو..ألف مبروكعزاء آل بدري وآل إبراهيم قاسم مُخير رغم قوة حجته في الرجم ولكن كيف سيجيب على هذا السؤالالبابا فرانسيس: أن تكون ملحدا خير من أن تكون منافقافي صحو الذكرى المنسية ،،، وائل السمرى يكتب:أين مصر من آثارها فى السودان- اليوم السابعالداخلية: توقيف أجانب أساءوا لـ”السودان” عبر مواقع التواصللنفهم مقاصد الولاء والبراء فى الاسلام قراءة تحليلية لسورة الممتحنة- هام جدا كتب .د .منصف المرزوقي بعد عودته الي تونسأسعار الاقامة في مصر أعتبار من الاحد اليوم اهل الوطنى .. يضربون بعضهم!#جنبة السوريين أعود لأحبابي الكرام