06-16-2016, 03:45 PM |
Sayed Tia Baau
Sayed Tia Baau
Registered: 06-16-2016
Total Posts: 13
The Lost Womanhood BY Sayed Tia Baau
03:45 PM June, 16 2016 Sudanese Online Sayed Tia Baau- My Library Short URL
The night before Kani is to be cut, her family arranged party for the women and the girls.Kani had the place of honor. She is treated as if she is going to be married. The family bought Kani beautiful new clothes and new shoes. Her hands and her feet are decorated with beautiful red Henna designs which made little Kani looks as if she is bride.(of course all these arrangements are just a bribe to make the little child submit to the idea of cutting). Kani feels so beautiful, so grown up, so special that she positively want to go through with circumcision. Based on tradition, circumcision is supposed to mark the passage from girlhood to womanhood. All girls were circumcised when they were ten or eleven years old. But recently, girls are to be cut before school age. that’s to say at seven especially in towns and cities. Moreover the history of FGM(female genital mutilation) is not well known but the practice dated back at least 2000 years. It was not known when or where the tradition of female genital mutilation originated from. It was believed that it was practiced in ancient Egypt as a sign of distinction among st the aristocracy. Some believe that it started during the slave trade when black slaves women entered ancient Arab societies. Some believe FGM began with arrival of Islam in some part of Sub-Sahara Africa. Some believe the practice is developed independently among certain ethnic groups in Sub-Sahara Africa as part of puberty rites. Overall, in history ,it was believed that FGM would ensure women’s virginity and reduction in the female desire.
Traditional circumcision woman who of course has no formal medical training arrived at Kani home so as to perform the surgery.She soon started to prepare her surgery tools which are a rusty razor blade,bowel of water and clothes(bandages!!!)The razor blade looks so old only God knows the number of girls who have been cut by it؟. There are four types of FGM. Type one is excision of the prepuce,with or without excision of part or the entire clitoris.Type two is excision of the labia minora. The third one is the excision of part or all of the external genitalia and stitching-narrowing of the vaginal opening.The last type but unclassified is pricking or incising of the clitoris or labia buried rather than excised.Which one of the four types Kani is going to experience؟ and which type the circumcision woman is going to practice؟Lets follow the Kani cutting process.
Little Kani is placed over a hole (the operating theater) where blood and the cut parts will be buried after the cutting.Women circled the operating theater. One woman had Kani on her lap.They handed Kani a piece of clothes so as to put in her mouth and bite it hard. The woman moves Kanis legs a part and facing her onto her back. The doctor(circumcision woman) reached down between Kanis legs. A bolt of agony shot the child with first slash of the razor blade-cutting without injecting the child with pan killer. Kani screamed and started kicking and fighting to free herself.But noway as she is held tightly by the doctors assistants.Kani cried for them to stop it.Women surrounding the operating theater started to shout so as to hide the screaming of little Kani.The blade cut into her again/She screamed with terror and pain.Agush of warm blood follow as the doctor slice deeper and deeper.The cutting went on.With needle and thick cotton thread,the doctor started sewing Kani flesh.With tug of the needle Kani felt bolt of pain surge through her.Sewing finished leaving a tiny little hole.The doctor brought a thick rope and rapped it around Kanis thighs until they were locked tightly together.No way to move.Kani has tostay like this for two weeks to give the wounds time to heal.Thus FGM operation finished.Women and girls went to dance leaving Kani behind to morn her lost womanhood and to prepare herself for the endless journey of pain and suffering through the course of her future life.!!!
[email protected]
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