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Articles and ViewsThe Death General David Dep Tew has been becoming Heartbreak from entirely Nassir community in Nort
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The Death General David Dep Tew has been becoming Heartbreak from entirely Nassir community in Nort

05-20-2015, 09:21 AM
Ruach Wal Yat
<aRuach Wal Yat
Registered: 04-19-2014
Total Posts: 14

The Death General David Dep Tew has been becoming Heartbreak from entirely Nassir community in Nort

    09:21 AM May, 20 2015
    Sudanese Online
    Ruach Wal Yat-
    My Library at SudaneseOnline

    The Death General David Dep Tew has been becoming Heartbreak from entirely Nassir community in North America by Ruach Wal Yat

    My dearest families and entirely Communities

    My heart broke into pieces earlier this three days when I heard of the sudden unexpected of our dear hero General David Dep Tew. I cannot imagine the man may lose life in front of us before the victory of land.
    Please communities and families just accept my deepest sympathy on the death of our hero General David Dep. I wish there was something I could do or say to soften your grief, but I can’t tell you how deeply I feel for you in these three days that may hurt and disrupt my personal behavior. I wish I had words to comfort families and sustain you in your grief. But I know there are none of words that will take any your pain away that you are deeply felt into sorrow.
    My dearest families and communities, just took my words in order to sustain you calm and relax to forget the pain sorrow of our late General. Days and times are coming different for unlucky sometimes to embraces families and community. Be strong in my words and move forward to resist the suffering of our heartfelt.

    We knew all our families and communities were sacrificed themselves during battle of Malakal, and many of them had been lost their life because of sustainable Victory freedom federalism. Families and entirely communities we were becoming heartbreak in this week but nothing I may say so much about this incident.
    Let’s us move forward to fight for freedom in federalism to rescue the poorest of our nations. Time is close and change will come soon to make everyone to be happiness. General has been died because to sustain the territory of Nassir areas and we are all knowledge about this. Nothing could worry us deeply to break our heart. He has been died as hero to build history of legacy for his lifetime. We know his personality had a deep impact on us but nothing much I can do now to comfort all of you.
    General David Dep:
    I remember the words you told me about sadness because our people were displaced and left our main territory in Nassir.
    I love you as long as families and communities love your contribution to fight for freedom.
    I and communities will never forget your contribution and participant on this civil war until we achieve the Victory our freedom to rescue the nations and tribes of south Sudan against dictatorship regime.
    We are shocking to become sorrow that has been affectionate upon your family. I don’t know how to express my grief at this tragedy from entirely families.
    I remember the day we work together and talking about situation of our people that has been displaced them to neighbor countries.
    We will be strong to follow your feet to fight for sacrifice until we achieve your wish to be as you want. Nothing will stop us to give up our struggle to fight for freedom.
    I wish you did not pass away but one day you will come to us when the day of freedom will arrive on celebration.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with your family at this sad difficulty time. I send my heartfelt sympathy to entirely families and communities in order to share this sorrow.
    Please family General Dep Tew accept my heartfelt condolence to you in peaceful.
    Wishing peace and healing with all my love.

    Ruach Wal Yat
    Head chief of WA
    The Spokesperson in Greater Upper Nile Region

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